Agenda item

Agenda item

Outcomes of the Planning Peer Challenge

Report of the Chief Executive.


The Chief Executive presented the report to members, setting out the recommendations and proposed actions following the Peer Challenge which had taken place in February.  She explained that the review had been requested following consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Labour group as a result of a number of issues that had been brought to her attention.  She stated that the Council was on a journey of continuous improvement, it was healthy to invite independent review, and a peer challenge provided that opportunity.  She added that the peer review team had interviewed a wide cross-section of people and the clear message from all parties was that the status quo was not sustainable. 


The Chief Executive highlighted that the peer review had recognised the good performance in achieving the house building target, the innovative work that was being undertaken with other Leicestershire authorities on the strategic growth plan and the fact that the Local Plan was in place. 


The Chief Executive outlined the key issues identified by the peer review team, including customer service, engagement and transparency, enhancing pre-application advice and supporting the development of neighbourhood plans.  There were also a number of recommendations regarding the quality of reports and minutes, the call-in procedure, and best practice dictated that the size of the Planning Committee should be reduced.


The Chief Executive mentioned how fortunate the Council was to have a Local Plan in place.  It was clear that the Local Plan needed to be better understood and the role of the Local Plan Advisory Committee was key to that and to the upcoming review of the Local Plan.  Members were asked to agree to the reform of the Advisory Committee to enable it to become a formal decision-making body and to increase the membership.  These changes would take effect from the Annual meeting of the Council in May.  


The Chief Executive stated that the observations made on behaviours and relationships required urgent attention required urgent attention, and if not addressed, would undermine the Council.  She added that the Planning Committee was the Council’s shop front to the community and the decisions made there affected the quality of life for residents.  She acknowledged that some of the report would make for difficult reading however she hoped that there would be cross-party support to make the required changes. 


The Chief Executive highlighted the proposal to develop and implement the action plan through a cross-party working group.  She referred to the recommendation set out in the additional papers along with the rationale for appointing to the working party. 


Councillor T J Pendleton moved the recommendations set out in the report and the additional papers. 


The motion was seconded by Councillor R Blunt who welcomed the report and urged members to support the recommendations.  He stated that the public would like the planning service to be improved. 


Councillor S Sheahan thanked the Chief Executive and all those who participated in the review process.  He asked why the report was being progressed without scrutiny. 


The Chief Executive stated that she felt it was important that the report be considered at the first available Council meeting to ensure that momentum was not lost.  She added that members had been involved throughout the process and the cross-party working group would ensure member engagement going forwards. 


Councillor J Legrys welcomed the review and thanked the Chief Executive for bringing it about.  He commented that most people in North West Leicestershire believed that most members who sat on the Planning Committee were corrupt.  He added that this was not the truth however he felt the whole concept and culture of planning needed to change.  He expressed concerns that the outcome paper did not necessarily reflect all the recommendation made and he expressed disappointment about the lack of reflection in the report.  He expressed concerns about the development and delivery of the recommendations and delivering a transparent planning service to the public.  He felt that further discussions were needed. 


The Chief Executive clarified that all of the formal recommendations set out in the report had been included in the action plan and some of these were still to be developed. 


Councillor M Specht thanked the Chief Executive and the peer review team.  He expressed concerns regarding the points raised by the review team in respect of the site visits and the rate of overturned applications. 


Councillor D Everitt expressed concerns regarding public perception, the proposals that ward members should not participate in the decision making, reductions in site visits, ward member call-in and the reduction in the size of the committee.


Councillor N Clarke thanked the Chief Executive.  He welcomed the independent review and urged members to support the recommendations. He commented on the issues with public perception and added that it was important to move with the times to address this.  He stated that he would be supporting the recommendations.


Councillor J Bridges thanked the two party leaders for supporting the review and he thanked the Chief Executive for bringing it forward. He commented that the report gave members the opportunity to continue the cross-party work of the Local Plan Advisory Committee.


Councillor T Eynon thanked the Chief Executive for bringing about this important piece of work.  She stated that she was very pleased that the problem with roles and relationships was going to be tackled.  She highlighted that the report mentioned the politicisation of planning and she expressed concern that scrutiny of it was an afterthought.  She added that there was a tendency in this Council to scrutinise decisions after they were made.  She commented that she was pleased that there would be earlier engagement and she would welcome more clarity in the reports to committee. 


Councillor D Harrison congratulated the Chief Executive and the party leaders.  He welcomed the report and moving forward with the proposals.  He urged members to embrace the recommendations fully as this would enrich the authority and bring about improvements for the public. 


Councillor R Canny also thanked the Chief Executive.  She stated that she had thought long and hard whether it was more beneficial to be able to vote and take part in the debate on the Planning Committee, or to be able to speak passionately as a ward member and not be prejudiced in any way.  She added that it was difficult as ward member not to have a preconceived idea.  She sought clarity on the proportionality arrangements set out in the report.


The Democratic Services Team Manager explained that the independent group had been formed following the election at the request of those members for the purposes of voting and substitutions. 


Councillor N Smith thanked the Chief Executive for bringing about the review.  He pointed out that the majority of members of the Council were not members of the Planning Committee and therefore did not vote.  He reiterated that ward members could speak at the Planning Committee and support local people. 


Councillor T J Pendleton summarised that judging by the comments made, members supported the objectives of the review.  He made reference to the recent good performance of the service in terms of the timescale for determining applications and highlighted that a rate of 100% had been achieved in the last quarter for one of the targets.  He thanked the Chief Executive for bringing about this timely review.  He urged members to support the report and the findings of the review. 


It was moved by Councillor T J Pendleton, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




a)    The Planning Peer Challenge team be tanked for undertaking the extensive review;


b)    The initial findings and recommendations of the Planning Peer Challenge team be noted;


c)    The action plan be approved based on the initial findings of the Peer Challenge team, as set out at Appendix 2;


d)    The reduction in size of the Planning Committee from 17 to 11 seats be agreed, with effect from Annual Council in May 2018, where appointments will be made;


e)    The reform of the Local Plan Advisory Committee be agreed to give it appropriate decision-making powers and to increase the number of seats from 7 to 11; to take effect from Annual Council in May 2018, where appointments will be made;


f)     The Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any consequential changes to the Constitution arising from this report and the action plan set out at Appendix 2;


A cross-party member/officer working group be established to oversee the development and implementation of the action plan arising from the Peer Challenge recommendations.

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