Agenda item

Agenda item

17/00320/REMM: Erection of 213 dwellings with associated parking and landscaping (Reserved matters to outline planning permission 16/01187/VCIM)

Land At Grange Road Hugglescote Leicestershire  


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Councillor S Palmer, on behalf of Hugglescote and Donington le Heath Parish Council, addressed the Committee. He stated that the development formed part of the local plan but was a missed opportunity as the site would only have 7.5% affordable housing as it would not be made up elsewhere. He expressed concerns over the lack of smaller sized dwellings and greenspace on the site, and that there was a lack of ability to walk and cycle anywhere, highlighting safety concerns with walking children to school, with lack of street lighting being the biggest concern. He stated that the proposed estate was ideally situated for those working at the Bardon industrial estate but again the only way to get to work would be to drive as there was a lack of public transport. He advised that the application went against the NPPF and Local Plan for those reasons, suggesting to Members that it appeared that they would be going against an excellent Local Plan.


Mr P Waterfield, agent, addressed the Committee. He stated that the high quality scheme that was before them would be the opportunity to help start the Coalville South East urban extension and would set the standard for other developers to adhere to. He advised that many comments had been raised over the lack of open space, the lack of open market bungalows and not providing suitable footpaths. He informed Members that amendments to address the concerns had been made, including the timing and delivery of the green space, bungalows, and footpath along Grange Road. He urged Members to support the application.


The officer’s recommendation was moved by Councillor J G Coxon and seconded by Councillor D Harrison.


Councillor R Johnson stated that he had called the application in due to fear that the road was dangerous and that he had worked closely with officers on the application raising concerns over the footpath and street lights. He noted that LCC Highways had addressed the footpath but sought clarity on the street lights being installed. He expressed concerns over the mix of housing on the site and that there was only 7.5% affordable dwellings all clumped together and that there were only 2 bungalows when policy H6 stated that bungalows were needed. He stated that there were many things he did not agree with and that the application was all over the place. He expressed concerns that the report talked about the wider context of the site, not the 200 before them that would activate the trigger points in the viability assessment. He could not support that application in its present form with a lack of affordable mix and highways safety concerns.


Councillor M Specht stated that he took on board Councillor R Johnson’s concerns over street lighting but stated that it did not matter if roads were well lit or not, there would always be accidents.


Councillor J Bridges asked if condition 17 would be going back to LCC for consultation.


The Principal Planning Officer advised Members that on the Grange Road footpaths that no development would start until such time the work and materials had been agreed.


Councillor J Legrys stated that the district needed the housing and the development had been part of plans since early 2000s but yet there was still no punch through road, and he was concerned over the withdrawal of the cycleways. He stated that he was saddened over the lack of affordable housing on the site. He felt that the houses would not sell as buyers would not buy homes unless there were safe highways and footpaths. He highlighted that when Bardon Road and the A511 backed up with traffic many road users used Grange Road as a cut through and therefore if new residents could not get off the cul-de-sac they would not buy the houses. He added that the district and town needed houses that residents could afford.


Councillor R Johnson requested a recorded vote


Permit in accordance with officer's recommendation (Motion)

A recorded vote having been requested, the voting was as follows:


Councillor Ron Adams


Councillor John Bridges


Councillor Rachel Canny


Councillor John Cotterill


Councillor John Coxon


Councillor David Everitt


Councillor Dan Harrison


Councillor Jim Hoult


Councillor Russell Johnson


Councillor Geraint Jones


Councillor John Legrys


Councillor Paula Purver


Councillor Virge Richichi


Councillor Nigel Smith


Councillor Michael Specht


Councillor David Stevenson


Councillor Michael Wyatt





The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendations of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure.


Supporting documents: