Agenda item

Agenda item

A1 13/00908/OUTM

Residential development of up to 142 dwellings including creation of access from Station Road (Outline - all matters reserved apart from the access from Station Road)


Land Adjoining Clare Farm Station Road Ibstock Leicestershire


Residential development of up to 142 dwellings including creation of access from Station Road (Outline - all matters reserved apart from the access from Station Road)

Land Adjoining Clare Farm, Station Road, Ibstock, Leicestershire


Having declared an interest, Councillor J Hoult left the meeting during the consideration and voting thereon.


The Planning and Development Team Leader presented the report to Members.


Councillor J Ruff, Ward Member, addressed the Committee.  She made the following points:

-   The application was contrary to Policy S3.

-   The proposed site was outside the Limits to Development and also Greenfield.

-   The total number of new housing, including the proposal in front of Members, would take the number in Ibstock above the level original planned for.

-   The development was not sustainable and would put added pressure on the already struggling doctors, schools and highways in the area.

Councillor J Ruff urged Members to use their judgement when considering the application, as the report suggests, and to refuse the application.


Mr S Louth, applicant, addressed the Committee.  He stated that he was pleased with the officer’s recommendation for approval and reminded Members that the application was for outline permission only.  He confirmed that consultation had taken place with local residents, the Parish Council and officers, and there had been no objections from the statutory consultees.  He added that the site was in a sustainable location as it was a rural centre which had been identified for growth.  He concluded that the application provided 20 percent affordable housing and considerable contributions to healthcare, education and the provision of bus stops.


Councillor A Bridges had no objections to the proposal and moved the officer’s recommendations.  It was seconded by Councillor G Jones. 


Councillor J Bridges asked that as this was an outline application, would the number of affordable housing and other contributions be enforceable once the developer had signed up to them, as this was his only concern.  The Planning and Development Team Leader confirmed that it was enforceable.


Councillor T Neilson stated that he was disappointed that there was such a lot of development in Ibstock in a short period of time, and although it was not desirable it was a result of the back log of the last 10 years.  He explained that he had highway concerns due to the additional vehicles the development would produce but as there were no highway objections he had no choice but to support the recommendations.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he was deeply concerned with the level of growth in Ibstock, especially as it was outside the Limits to Development and it was a possibility that developers would continue to develop land that the Council had protected for many years.  His main concern was the design and positioning of the access roundabout and therefore he could not support the recommendations.


Councillor R Johnson referred to the comments of the applicant and stated that Ibstock was no longer a rural centre but a small town and the proposed bus stops would not add anything to the area as there were very few buses.  He stated that the town was struggling to stay alive as businesses were closing down and there were no jobs for local people.  He was concerned that as the application was only for outline permission, it was a possibility for the applicant to sell the permission on to a larger developer.  He also concurred with Councillor J Legrys concerns regarding the access roundabout.


Councillor G Jones stated that Ibstock was subject to the same pressures as other areas in the district for housing and other developments had not harmed the area at all.  He added that he believed the proposed woodland would be good for the area and the District.


Councillor J G Coxon believed that the site was sustainable and Ibstock was an area where people want to live, this was why it was being developed.  He was in support of the recommendations.


Councillor D Everitt stated that the Committee should not be approving applications based on the opinion that it was where people wanted to live, but based on where people should live.  He did not believe this was a valid reason to permit.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Regeneration and Planning.

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