Agenda item

Agenda item

Public Question and Answer Session


Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest, Councillor N J Rushton left the meeting.


There were no public questions received.


The Chairman had received a request from Councillor M B Wyatt to ask a question.


Councillor M B Wyatt asked the following to Councillor T Gillard:


“Prior to any expenditure being incurred out of the approved capital programme, I would like to ask if Cabinet would reconsider the options for works to the Coalville Market.”


Councillor Wyatt provided the following additional information to support his question that was circulated to Members in the additional papers.


“I wish to ask you to re-consider your budget proposal to spend £168,000 on the indoor Market in Coalville.
For many years the Market has failed to meet the aspirations of the Council and local residents. Many shoppers to the area feel the Market Hall is depressing, cold, unwelcoming and out of the way from the main shopping area.
I genuinely believe that this is the right time to seriously look again at the idea of an outdoor Market, which many local residents are eager to see in our Town.
In other Towns in the region having an outdoor Market brings extra trade, and if located in the right place can complement the already established traders.
Statistics show that income from both established shops and traders do increase, so making it more beneficial to have them trading in close proximity.
The siting of an open Market is one which will need some careful consideration but there are a number of sites.
Marlborough Square could be a prime site. A reduction in parking could be an issue, but if the old Market Hall was utilised for additional parking then this problem could easily be resolved and provide the Council with additional income.
The Precinct Owners have learned recently that having an open Market in the Precinct is a positive contribution to their established traders. After speaking to a representative of the Precinct they have acknowledged that the food and drinks festival was a huge success for their traders. Clearly another approach to the Precinct owners should be established to see if this site could also be considered.
Finally the Clock Tower. This site is a prime site and the heart of our Town.
Coalville needs a new start. Having an outdoor Market will help to regenerate our Town, remove the old Market Hall which is an eyesore, and finally give Coalville a future.”


Councillor T Gillard gave the following response:


“The Council have received positive feedback from traders and shoppers that the Indoor Markets popularity could be improved with investment to the approaches, signage and entrances. Officers are also working with the market traders to improve the marketing and promotion of the stalls and special events held at the market.


We are confident that the market will increase the income it generates by attracting new traders.  The investment will also improve the profile of the market which in turn supports the regeneration of Coalville Town Centre.


I note Councillor Wyatt’s suggestion that we should explore the opportunity for an open air market; however this is an option that has already been shown not to be viable. This said, we fully support opportunities to encourage commercial activities in open spaces in the Town Centre such as the events held in the Belvoir Shopping Centre.”       


Councillor R Blunt added that the administration was not against the idea of an outdoor market, but the authority did not have the expertise to run this service. He advised Councillor Wyatt that they would be happy to support, as much as possible, an outdoor market should the right operator be found and that the Business Portfolio Holder and the Head of Regeneration and Planning would be happy to discuss any ideas on going forward with him.


Councillor N J Rushton returned to the meeting.

Supporting documents: