Agenda item

Agenda item

2017/18 Quarter 3 Performance Management Report

Report of the Chief Executive

Presented by the Leader


The Leader presented the report to members and highlighted the following:-


           The in-house repairs team were on track to carry out £1m more work this year compared to last year. Over the next 5 years it was planned to undertake the majority of the Decent Homes works in-house - up to almost £20m worth of work over the next 5 years.


           The Coalville Job Centre Plus went "full service" from 7 February 2018 for the implementation of universal credit. This represented a significant change for residents and that the Council had worked collaboratively with agencies to support those affected.


           In Coalville; the principles of the Marlborough Square development were agreed in January; the Christmas in Coalville event was a success, with 16 shops decorating their windows and the Enterprising Town Centres Grant Scheme continued to be popular - 25 expressions of interest, 12 applications and 2 approved in Quarter 3.


           The practical support to businesses continued where the Business Focus team had supported the Coalville jobs fair, retail workshops, a disability confident workshop and business funding workshop.


           Both the general fund and HRA were being well managed.


           The forecast surplus outturn was £1.863m compared to £934k.


           Additional income was forecast from recycling (£122k), building control (£35k) and Council Tax / NNDR summons income (£34k). This would offset some additional costs on ICT equipment (£124k), the leisure centre deficit (£159k) and less income from planning fees of £300k.


           2.42 days per Full Time Equivalent (employee) were lost in Quarter 3 due to sickness, which was comparable with the same quarter the previous year which was 2.21 days. It was unlikely that the Council target of 8.5 days / FTE would be met as there had been an increase in cold / flu absences since Christmas.


           Managers and the HR team continued to work closely to manage sickness absences.


The Chairman invited colleagues to highlight the performance in their  portfolios.


Councillor T Gillard stated that he was pleased to advise that the Council had secured £9,000 in funding to provide digital training workshops to local businesses.

Councillor N J Rushton advised that the General Fund Forecast outturn of £1.863m compared to budget of £934k was as a result of a £1.2m increase in business rate income due to the reduction of appeals provision and release of funds back into retention system, £122k additional recycling income, £32k additional council tax/NNDR summons income which would be offset by a forecast decrease of £300k in planning fee income; additional expenditure on ICT of £124k and an increase in net deficit on leisure centres of £159k. He stated that the outturn surplus would be paid into the Self-Sufficiency reserve, forecast to take reserve to £2.76m and that the Special Expenses was on target. He highlighted that the HRA forecast surplus was £338k compared to budget of £142k which was largely as a result of increase in rental income due to improved empty homes performance and that the Capital Forecast outturn was an £18k underspend against the original budget of £9.926m.

Councillor A V Smith advised that the leisure centre deficit was due to a fall in membership as Hermitage classes were at capacity and Hood Park experienced competition from other health facilities in the town. She stated that until the new leisure centre was up and running she could not see any improvement being made.

Councillor T J Pendleton highlighted that planning had achieved a 100% on determining major planning applications within 13 weeks.

Councillor R D Bayliss stated that the repairs satisfaction level was slightly below target but compared to the outcome of the STAR survey report that had previously been considered at PDG. He advised that the satisfaction levels in the Cabinet report was based on current service feedback not historical. He highlighted that the average re-let times were on target.

Councillor T Gillard congratulated the housing repairs team as he had received positive feedback from residents in relation to work that had been carried out.

Councillor R Blunt thanked Cabinet members for their updates and stated that the report was very positive.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and




The Quarter 3 Performance Report (Oct –Dec 2017) be received and noted.


Reason for decision: The report is provided for members to effectively monitor the organisation’s performance.


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