Agenda item

Agenda item

Review of Local Plan

Report of the Strategic Director of Place.


The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report to Members.  Following the adoption of the Local Plan in November 2017, Policy S1 required an immediate review and the report outlined the proposed approach.  It was considered that the local plan review should cover the period 2011 to 2036 rather than 2031 to ensure a longer period of time between adoption and the end of the plan period to minimise the likely need for a further review before the statutory requirement that plans be reviewed within five years of adoption.  He clarified for Members that it would be a partial review, as the need for an immediate review was to address the matters identified through the local plan examination only.  It was proposed that the initial consultation be undertaken in February/March 2018 for a six week period, the proposed timetable was detailed within the report.


In response to a question from Councillor M Specht, the Planning Policy Team Manager confirmed that Parish Council’s would be consultees as well as individuals, groups and organisations on the Council’s database that had been engaged in the past.


Councillor J Legrys understood that there was no option but to undertake the review.  He also accepted that the review would be limited but asked if any suggestions such as the alteration to the limits to development would be considered if put forward as part of the consultation.  He also asked if the previously discussed lack of infrastructure would be addressed. The Planning Policy Team Manager stated that the limits to development would need to be updated to reflect the current position but he felt they would not need to be reviewed as it had only just been adopted as part of the plan.  However, the initial consultation was to consider any suggestions put forward.  He confirmed that infrastructure would also be looked at.


Councillor J Legrys informed Members that he had attended a briefing on the Draft Strategic Growth Plan earlier in the evening and the document did hint at the housing need in relation to the Leicester City redistribution of new housing.  It was clear that Leicester City would not be able to meet their housing need within their boundaries.  With development focused on other districts and the building of the A46 express highway, he believed that the changes in the Local plan needed to be taken into context with the Draft Strategic Growth Plan, the Midlands Engine and what was happening in other authority’s areas.  He went on to say that by speaking to his constituents, it was apparent that people were confused about all the different plans as nothing was being properly put together or communicated and neighbouring authorities were not being clear.  He expressed concerns that there would not be enough housing in the Midlands gateway. 


The Chairman believed that the best option for the District Council was to build in enough flexibility as everyone was aware that the requirement for higher numbers was coming from neighbouring authorities.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration agreed that the number of different plans regarding the housing requirements was fragmented, and along with the uncertainty of Leicester City, made the situation difficult.  However, the review had to start. He added that one of the benefits of the Strategic Growth Plan was to pull the various strategies together into a coherent whole.  He also agreed with the Chairman that flexibility was the key and the approach so far had enabled officers to defend appeals successfully.  The Planning Policy Team Manager added that flexibility was now required regarding employment figures too.


The Chairman concurred that having the flexibility made appeals much easier to defend and as the approach had been successful, he felt it was important to continue to make tweaks to keep control.


Councillor J Legrys did not disagree that the review needed to begin but he wanted to see Members being encouraged to understand the context of it all.  He felt information needed to be broadened so all could understand.


Regarding the public health implications of developments as detailed at paragraph 4.10 of the report, Councillor R Johnson asked for exposure to pollution levels to be included as it had a big impact on health.  The Planning Policy Team Manager agreed that the issue of pollution was important and would need to be looked at.


In terms of the anticipated memorandum of understanding regarding the distribution of new housing, Councillor M Specht asked who was engaging with Leicester City to gain information on progress and timescales for their housing figures.  The Head of Planning and Regeneration reported that officers, as members of the various working groups, and Councillor T J Pendleton, as portfolio holder and Chair of the Leicester & Leicestershire Members’ Advisory Group, were all working with Leicester City on the matter.  The progress of the City’s local plan was within its own control, and not the District Council or anyone else’s, so he was not able to offer any guarantee of when an agreement could be concluded.


Councillor V Richichi asked for an update on affordable homes figures, as was discussed at the previous meeting.  The Planning Policy Team Manager explained that it was a piece of work that needed to be undertaken but had not yet begun.  Councillor V Richichi queried if the figures were not known how the developers knew what percentage of affordable homes to provide.  The Planning Policy Team Manager commented that it was set out as part of the Section 106 Agreements so developers were aware, however at this time, it was unclear what was required for the future.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor R Johnson and




a)      The proposals to commence a review of the Local Plan be noted.


b)      The proposed approach to the review as outlined within the report be noted.

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