Reasons restricted > Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

17/00629/FUL: Change of use from house (C3) to house in multiple occupation (sui generis) including two storey side and rear extensions

5 Broadhill Road Kegworth Derby DE74 2DQ


The Planning Officer presented the report to members. 


Councillor H Tansley, Parish Councillor, addressed the meeting.  She emphasised that the development was not acceptable in the local context.  She expressed concern in respect of parking and traffic and highlighted that only 3 of the 5 parking spaces provided would be accessible from the road.  She added that Kegworth was unusual in that there was a high level of occupation by students from Nottingham who were not recognised in the HEDNA, as well as staff at the airport who worked unsocial hours and construction workers of the nearby major development.   She added that the students in Kegworth also relied upon cars to enable them to carry out their veterinary training.  She stated therefore that the Parish Council did not accept the assessment that not all occupants would have a car.  In respect of the concerns relating to traffic and parking on Broadhill Road, she reported that there had been two minor incidents in the last three years and traffic had worsened since the closure of Ashby Road.  She stated that the Parish Council therefore considered the traffic movements on this road to be a real concern and any further street parking would exacerbate the problem.


Councillor D J Stevenson confirmed that members had visited the site.


It was moved by Councillor J G Coxon and seconded by Councillor J Bridges that the application be permitted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation. 


Councillor D Harrison stated that he would support the application but he expressed concern in respect of the additional vehicles on the road.  He felt that more ought to be done to ensure developers were providing adequate parking. 


The Head of Planning and Regeneration advised that the Highways Authority had been specifically consulted on the parking provision and had responded that they were content.  He reassured members that officers were considering long term solutions and methods of working with partner agencies to prevent a problem. 


Councillor J Legrys expressed concerns in respect of the design, the increase in the number of houses in multiple occupation in Kegworth and the community discord created by parking on residential streets.  He felt that he could not support the proposals on the principle that this issue needed to be resolved, through purpose-built student accommodation. 


Councillor J Bridges shared the views raised by Councillor Harrison and Councillor Tansley and expressed criticism for the manner in which the Highways Authority had interpreted the 6Cs Design Guide, although appreciated that the Council’s officers had considered this application in detail. He formally withdrew his support for the motion.


Councillor D Harrison then seconded the motion to permit the application in accordance with the officer’s recommendation. 


Councillor R Canny expressed concerns that Kegworth was losing its identity.  She felt that the proposals represented overintensification of the site and there was insufficient parking provision. 


The Head of Planning and Regeneration clarified that for the purposes of the application this dwelling was a shared house, not specifically for occupation by students.


The Chairman then put the motion to the vote and it was declared LOST.


Following advice from the Head of Planning and Regeneration, it was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor R Canny and




The application be refused on the grounds that the proposals represented overintensification of the site.       

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