Declarations > Agenda item

Agenda item

16/00216/FULM: Erection of road related facilities - including petrol filling, service station, restaurant, cafe and formation of petrol forecourts, aprons and parking areas

Land Off Flagstaff Island Lountside Ashby De La Zouch Leicestershire LE65 1JP


The Planning and Development Team Manager presented the report to members.


Mr D Brown, applicant’s agent, addressed the meeting.  He highlighted that the principle of development for roadside services had been established on the site and emphasised the Council’s longstanding policy objective in respect of the site, and the presumption that the permission would be renewed if it lapsed.  He acknowledged that despite the previous planning permissions a scheme had not come forward to date on the site however, he assured members that the applicant intended to start work as soon as possible as funding was in place, with a view to completing the scheme by October 2017.  He stated that the development would provide 80 new full and part time jobs as well as temporary construction jobs.  He highlighted that there were no objections to the scheme from the Highways Authority subject to the Section 106 contributions. Full regard had been given to the £7 million improvement scheme taking place at Flagstaff Island and it had been confirmed that there was ample capacity to support the scheme.  He felt that the cumulative impact policy in the town centre did not apply in view of the site allocation for roadside services and there was no potential for an adverse impact upon the surrounding centres.


In response to a question from Councillor J Hoult, the Planning and Development Team Manager advised that the design of the second building was very similar to that shown in the presentation, in order to achieve uniformity of design across the site.


Councillor J Hoult expressed concerns regarding an oversaturation of petrol filling stations at Flagstaff Island.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration clarified the position in respect of the Highways Authority and advised that the scheme for improvements to Junction 13 of the A42 had taken account of known planned developments at the time, and this scheme was a planned development.  As such, the Highways Authority were content that there was sufficient capacity to accommodate this development.  He also confirmed that whilst the funding of the Flagstaff Island improvements was not a material consideration in respect of this application, it had come from various sources including the LLEP and Section 106 contributions.


Councillor G Jones expressed disappointment that no Section 106 contributions had been set aside for Ashby town centre, even though the development was unlikely to have a significant impact upon trade in Ashby High Street. It was clarified that none had been requested.


Councillor J Legrys sought clarification on the cost of the works at Flagstaff Island.  He felt aggrieved that funding was being put aside for transport by other developers in the area which led to a lack of affordable housing.  He asked if the developer would have been required to make contributions in respect of transport if this had been requested. 


The Head of Planning and Regeneration clarified that the cost of the works at Flagstaff Island was in the order of approximately £2.4 million, and the total across the two schemes in conjunction with the works at Junction 22 of the M1 was approximately £5 million.  He explained that the funding was from a number of different sources including Section 106 monies.  He added that Leicestershire County Council as the Highways Authority determined how this money was spent.  He advised that if the developer had been requested to make contributions in respect of highways, they would have been required to do so in order to make the development sustainable.   


It was moved by Councillor M Specht, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and




The application be permitted in accordance with the Head of Planning and Regeneration.

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