Agenda item

Agenda item

Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Announcements

Members are reminded that under paragraph 11.1 of part 4 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members without notice about any matter contained in any address.  Questions shall be limited to five minutes in total for each announcement.


Councillor R Blunt reminded Members that this month marked the 25th anniversary of the Kegworth air disaster which had deeply affected the District.  Of the 126 passengers and crew on board, 47 were killed and 74 were seriously injured.  He reminded Members that following the disaster, the Council had dedicated a plaque to those who died, those who were injured and those who took part in saving lives.  This plaque still stood on the footbridge 200 yards from the crash site.  On behalf of all Members, Councillor R Blunt expressed condolences to the families and survivors.


Councillor A V Smith announced that the Council had agreed to sign up to the Armed Forces Community Covenant.  She stated that by signing the Covenant, the Council was making a public statement and commitment to working with the Armed Forces community in North West Leicestershire.  She added that North West Leicestershire was proud of its longstanding links with the serving and ex serving members of HM Armed Forces and was supportive of the aims of the Covenant.  She recognised that signing the Covenant would allow existing relationships with the Armed Forces to be developed, particularly with the list of forthcoming significant national events starting this year with the 100 year anniversary of the commencement of World War I.  She advised that the pledge would be signed by the Leader of the Council, Andrew Bridgen MP, the Chief Executive of the Council and Jim Rowlinson, Chair of the North West Leicestershire Royal British Legion Groups, representing the Armed Forces community.


Councillor J Legrys said a few words about the Kegworth air crash and reiterated the importance of remembering the people who were involved in clearing the motorway.  He referred in particular to one of the first people to arrive at the site who had been deeply disturbed at what he had witnessed.  He added that there were a lot of additional names that should be listed on the memorial plaque.


Councillor J Legrys wished it to be noted that the Labour Group welcomed the Armed Forces Community Covenant.  He encouraged the Administration to extend the Covenant.  He requested that it be noted that should the Labour Group take control of the Council in 2015, they would wish the commitment to the Covenant to continue.  He spoke of his personal knowledge of fallen service personnel and expressed his desire to be involved.


Councillor G Jones spoke of the many people who were affected by the Kegworth air disaster, in particular the first firemen on the scene.


Councillor T J Pendleton spoke about the Kegworth air disaster as Kegworth and Whatton Ward Member.  He added that his wife was also the County Council Ward Member at that time.  He stated that it was noticeable as events unfolded that the forces were the first to arrive on the scene, and they had directed the traffic superbly to ensure there were no road accidents.


Councillor T J Pendleton announced that the proposals in respect of the Rail Freight Interchange in the District would go to public consultation next week.  He reported that Roxhill had also offered to present their proposals to the Members Planning Forum next week.  He invited all Members to attend.


Councillor T J Pendleton updated Members on the development of the new Core Strategy.  He stated that lessons had been learned and work was progressing in earnest to prepare the document to fulfil the Council’s obligations and update the development plan.  He added that new data was being utilised which would put the Council in a strong position.  He reported that Cabinet had agreed to appoint a new specialist advisor who had a sound understanding of current trends.  In respect of the timeline, Councillor T J Pendleton assured Members that work was continuing to ensure that the Core Strategy could be resubmitted as soon as possible and he would update Council at its next meeting.  He reported that Cabinet were also seeking to create a cross-party working group to ensure plans were developed in ways which gave Members an opportunity to shape them.  Councillor T J Pendleton advised that he had provided Town and Parish Councils with an update, and the Chief Executive would be meeting with them and providing updates quarterly.  He stated that he would provide an update at every Council meeting, by way of an announcement or a full report as appropriate.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he was personally pleased about the appointment of the specialist consultant as he had heard good reports.  He added that he was particularly pleased that someone had been employed who was working on the Lyons review.  He stated that he was amused by the hesitance of the Portfolio Holder to say how long it would take to resubmit the Core Strategy, as he had been advised that it would be 2015 at the earliest.  He stated that the Chief Executive was working hard to obtaining new housing figures through the LLEP.  He added that there would be a lot of discussion over the next year with neighbouring authorities under the duty to co-operate.  In respect of the proposed working group, he advised that he would be meeting with the Director of Services on behalf of the Labour Group to discuss their concerns and he could not say at this stage whether or not the Labour Group would participate in the working group.