Agenda item

Local Plan Progress Update: Examination, HEDNA and Next Steps

Report of the Director of Services.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration presented the report to Members. He advised Members that the HEDNA had been published in January and it replaced the SHMA, and assessed the housing and employment requirements for the whole of the Leicester and Leicestershire area between 2011 and 2036, adding that it was a big piece of work that had been carried out by G L Hearn over the past 18 months. He highlighted to Members that the HEDNA assessed a housing need for the district of 481 dwellings per year, the submitted Local Plan allowed for 520 dwellings per year, and a requirement of an additional 65 – 66 ha of employment land, which was significantly higher than what was originally suggested. Members were informed that the authority had provided further information to the Inspector stating that it did not think that it needed to make any further provision for housing land as it had over provided ensuring that if some developments did not progress, the authority would still meet the needs He also informed Members that North West Leicestershire also had an obligation to ensure that the needs of the whole housing market area were met should other authorities be unable to meet their requirements.


In relation to the employment land, the Director of Services advised Members that the authority recognised that there was an under provision of land in the plan in accordance to the figures in the HEDNA based on certain categories, but it was felt that the over provision of land for logistics purposes that would be provided at the Roxhill development could be seen as meeting the requirements in a different way, however other agencies may have other views. Members were informed that the Inspector would consider the new figures and additional information on the 21 March 2017 and form a view with a report expected around May.


Councillor M Specht stated that having seen the figures in the report he was 95% certain that the Local Plan would be accepted and he felt that there could be a possibility of more land being found for employment. He supported the report and recommendations.


In response to a question from Councillor V Richichi, the Director of Services stated that he was confident that the authority had done all it could to ensure that the submitted plan was sound but it was now in the hands of the Inspector, however now that the HEDNA figures had been produced in relation to housing the authority was in a better position, but it could be the employment land that raised further issues for the plan.


Councillor G Jones was reassured about the housing figures, but expressed concerns over the employment land.


The Director of Services advised Members of the different employment land categories and that there appeared to be a shortfall on B1 sites but the amount of B8 land that was available at the Roxhill site would hopefully go towards making up the shortfall.


Councillor G Jones felt that the authority was concentrating on the northern parishes and asked about the land availability for the Ashby/Coalville areas.


The Director of Services stated that where there was a shortfall of B8 land in some parts of the district but there was more than enough B8 sites across the district as a whole.


Councillor G Jones stated it was up to the authority to ensure that there was a good mix employment land, but felt that Ashby was running out.


It was moved by Councillor M Specht, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and




(i)            The main issues arising out of the Local Plan Examination Hearing Sessions held so far be noted,

(ii)           The main findings of the HEDNA and the resulting implications for the Local Plan be noted and

(iii)          The Inspector’s proposed next steps and revised timetable be noted.


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