Agenda item

Agenda item

A5 - 13/00060/FUL

Erection of 8 no. detached dwellings with associated access road


Land Adjoining Whitwick Filling Station, Talbot Street, Whitwick, Coalville


Erection of 8 no. detached dwellings with associated access road

Land Adjoining Whitwick Filling Station, Talbot Street, Whitwick, Coalville 


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Councillor L Spence, as Ward Member, addressed the Committee.  He stated that he was not averse to development on the site in principle, however there were three issues of significant concern to local residents.  He expressed disappointment that Leicestershire County Council had chosen not to object on highway safety grounds, as the access was on a steep incline on a busy road, with a single file footpath.  He added that existing residents had contacted him due to poor visibility and speeding traffic, a fact which was accepted by Leicestershire County Council when part night lighting was discussed.  He felt that the development would significantly increase the risk if the access was sited in its proposed location, and if the Committee were minded to approve the application, consideration must be given to developer contributions to minimise the risk. He explained that Gracedieu Brook flooded regularly and put homes at risk at least annually.  He stated that residents were concerned that the development would lead to an increased risk of flooding.  He expressed concerns regarding overbearing and intrusion.  He stated that the topography of the site meant that some properties were proposed to be located directly above existing properties.  He added that consideration must be given to the measures which could be taken to prevent intrusion.  He felt that the enjoyment of privacy was being put at risk and he urged Members to reconsider.


Mrs S Alldread, objector, addressed the Committee.  She stated that the proposals would offer no benefit for local residents or for wildlife.  She referred to the existing problems with speeding traffic and felt the development would lead to an increase in traffic.  She explained that the plot of land was invaluable to wildlife and the proposals would not sustain the species on the site.  She stated that the proposals would mean that she would be looking from her kitchen window into a brick wall, and all light to her property would be overshadowed.  She expressed concerns regarding water drainage and that this would be diverted to the properties below.


Councillor J Bridges stated that a number of issues had been brought to his attention, and he moved that the application be deferred due to highways and other issues.


Councillor T Gillard indicated that he wished to move that the application be refused as it was contrary to policies T3 and E3.  He referred to the current traffic issues and stated vehemently that this was an accident waiting to happen.


The motion to defer the application was seconded by Councillor M Specht.


The Legal Advisor explained that as the motion to defer the application had been moved and seconded, this needed to be considered before a further motion could be proposed.


The motion to defer the application was then put to the vote and declared a tie.  The Chairman exercised his casting vote, and the motion was declared CARRIED.




The application be deferred to allow further consideration of the highways, flooding and residential amenity issues.

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