Agenda item
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- Meeting of Local Plan Advisory Committee, Thursday, 6th October, 2016 6.30 pm (Item 13.)
- View the background to item 13.
Report of the Director of Services.
The Head of Planning and Regeneration presented the report to members. He advised that the Council had prepared an Infrastructure Delivery Plan in order to deliver the developments in the Local Plan. He added that the Infrastructure Delivery Plan had been submitted along with the Local Plan to the Secretary of State in order to give the inspector some confidence that the Council can deliver what is being planned for. He outlined the arrangements in respect of establishing a partnership to manage infrastructure provision and the agencies responsible for the delivery of infrastructure. He also drew members’ attention to the infrastructure set out in Appendix A which was critical to the delivery of the Local Plan. He advised that there was currently a funding gap and the Council would need to continue to secure as much funding as possible via Section 106 Agreements and other sources to ensure that infrastructure was delivered.
Councillor J Legrys expressed disappointment that members had not had the opportunity to add to this list prior to the meeting. He also stated that he was bitterly disappointed that the Hugglescote Crossroads continued to be put in the wish list as Leicestershire County Council as the Highways Authority had made it clear that there was no money and no need to undertake this project. He expressed his vehement objection to this.
Councillor J Legrys made reference to the critical water supply problem in respect of the Grange Road development in Hugglescote. He sought assurances that there would be sufficient water supply to serve the sustainable urban extension. The Head of Planning and Regeneration advised that the purpose of forming the infrastructure partnership was to actively manage such issues and bring them to the attention of the water authority to ensure that developments were not coming forward with insufficient water supply.
Councillor J Bridges expressed concerns in respect of statutory consultees raising no objections to planning applications and subsequently requiring infrastructure improvements.
Councillor J Legrys supported these comments and stated that he was pleased the Council had made a bid for monies to expand the fire service. He felt that the Police should be included in the list at Appendix A. The Head of Planning and Regeneration advised that the Police had been involved in this particular piece of work and had other funding sources available.
Councillor J Legrys commented that if he were to purchase a new property, he would expect broadband access and a decent mobile phone signal. He felt this should be prioritised.
In response to questions from Councillor M Specht, the Planning Policy Team Manager advised that there was no formal policy in respect of self build properties in the Local Plan and there was no specific requirement to do so. However the Council maintained a register in accordance with the requirements.
It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor R Adams and
a) The findings of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan be noted and;
b) The proposal to establish an infrastructure partnership be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan Local Plan Advisory Committee Report, item 13. PDF 176 KB
- Appendix A, item 13. PDF 484 KB