Agenda item

16/00542/OUTM: Residential development of up to 16 dwellings and associated infrastructure (outline - means of access for approval)

Land At Worthington Lane Newbold Coalville Leicestershire



The Principal Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Mr A Hasler, objector addressed the committee. He advised Members that the village was only a small settlement and was unequipped to handle a development of that size. He stated that the pub was only small, the village school was oversubscribed, there was limited public transport options and there were no other day to day services. He stated that residents of the new development would have to rely on private motor vehicle which would be contrary to both national and local green policies. He added the site was Greenfield and that the development would have a detrimental visual impact on the village and intrinsic views.


Mr A Large, agent, addressed the committee. He stated that each application should be considered on its own merits, there was a presumption in favour of development and that the officer accepted that the development would enhance the village. He informed Members that he disagreed that the development fell short of the environmental strand and that the development was sustainable as the village had many services such as a bus service, a school, a pub and a large playing field, that there were jobs advertised at local businesses and that a new development at the site in front of them would help to sustain services in the surrounding villages. He further stated that the local school had been threatened with being placed in special measures and that the S106 contributions secured by the development would help to improve it.  He highlighted the number of letters in support of the application and urged Members vote against refusal.


Councillor J Bridges moved that the application be permitted as the location was sustainable.


Councillor R Adams stated that the hourly bus service would become a two hourly service as of September.


Councillor J Legrys seconded Councillor J Bridges’ motion to permit the application, adding that even with a two hourly bus service the village was in a better position than others and with the mix of housing that would be available it would make the village more sustainable.


Councillor M Specht stated that there were more supporters of the application than objecting and when looking at the application the layout rounded off the village. He highlighted that the proposal would meet the golden triangle of sustainability as outlined in the NPPF.  The location has limited services but was supported by surrounding villages with other services. He added that the mix of dwellings on the proposed development would help to sustain the village.


Councillor D J Stevenson stated that the application was in his ward and having seen the hedge around the site the development would not overlook. He informed the committee that he had lived in the area for 70 years and the village was more sustainable than ever with many employment opportunities, adding that the Post Office at Worthington supported the application.




The application be permitted as it was a sustainable location with imposition of conditions and negotiation of a Section 106 agreement delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration



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