Agenda item

Agenda item


Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager


The Leisure Services Team Manager presented the report to Members.


He provided the Working Party with an update on each of the ongoing projects.


Coalville Park Improvements


The 400m jogging circuit with 100m markings had now been installed. This included the current long and triple jump world records, which it was hoped would act as an inspiration to users.


Owen Street Recreation Ground


Electrical works had now been completed and attention had returned to the floodlights. The approached contractor had not been forthcoming in making recommendations for potential improvements. Consequently, an alternative contractor had now been engaged.


In terms of the changing room development, two plans had been developed by Property Services, an ideal and a scaled down solution, both of which significantly exceeded budget. Consequently, a contractor that had been recommended by the football club had begun work devising a scheme of works within budget.


It was confirmed that it was unlikely that the project would be supported by the Big Society Fund given that the development would only focus on one club and one sport. However, officers at the County Council had confirmed that they would be willing to discuss the project and its eligibility in more detail before the deadline for the next round of bids closed.


It had been recommended by the Council’s Asset Management Group that a long-term lease be issued to the football club rather than a license. As such, approval would now be sought from the Council’s Corporate Leadership Team before the proposed lease is sent to the club for consideration. It was stated that this option gave the club more autonomy to use the area as they saw fit. Similarly, this option allowed the club to access various funding sources that required a lease as a prerequisite for applying.


Councillor M B Wyatt stated that, in his opinion, it was important to ensure that the changing room contract is put out to tender and enquired whether it was intended to do so. The Leisure Services Team Manager responded that it was his understanding that a tender would be necessary but that indicative costs would be sought first of all.


Councillor M B Wyatt stated that he had been made aware that the club had a fund of around £30,000 available and enquired whether this would be utilised for the project. The Leisure Services Team Manager confirmed that he had been unaware of such a fund but that he would liaise with the Management Committee on the issue.


Councillor L Spence stressed that transparency was a key factor in any procurement project and agreed with Councillor M B Wyatt that the contract be put out to tender.


Councillor M B Wyatt asked whether clauses would be inserted into the contract stipulating that the land must be used for sporting purposes. The Leisure Services Team Manager confirmed that this would be the case.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre


It was confirmed that the Thringstone Miners Social Centre Management Committee had liaised with both the District and County Councils with regard to footpath diversions and the movement of a street light in order to facilitate a grass training pitch on the former Clover Place play area. Provisional costs were now being sought for the groundworks and various sources of funding were being looked at.


Councillor L Spence praised the plans for the area and suggested that they were a fantastic use of derelict land. However, he queried the long and costly process in arranging the extinguishment of the footpath and suggested that the club had insufficient resources for such a process. The Leisure Services Team Manager responded that there were outstanding funds available for the project and that the trustees were aware of this.


Cropston Drive BMX Track and Wheeled Sports Facility


It was confirmed that two bids had been received for the project and that these were currently being evaluated. Once this had taken place, the final proposals would be presented to consultees before work began on the project in the Spring.


Councillor M B Wyatt stated that he was aware of one particular stakeholder that had not yet been consulted on the plans, despite being one of those who initially instigated the project. The Leisure Services Team Manager apologised that this was the case and confirmed that this would be done.


Broom Leys Allotments


Having declared an interest in this item Councillor M B Wyatt left the meeting.


It was stated that the project was now virtually completed. The excavation works and main pipe laying for the water feed to the site had now been finished. Severn Trent Water had undertaken their inspection and the water supply had been connected. It was anticipated that the backfilling of the excavation would be completed shortly.


Councillor M B Wyatt returned to the meeting.


Urban Forest Park


It was confirmed that the new piece of play equipment had now been installed. In terms of the footway and drainage improvements, it was stated that schemes of work were currently being produced and that Ward Members would be consulted once these had been finalised.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he still had concerns that the work would lead to potential gas emissions. The Leisure Services Team Manager proposed that annual gas emission tests took place in order to allay any fears of emissions.


Councillor J Geary stated that he was surprised that the site was ever considered suitable for recreational use. He expressed concerns that the site could prove to be costly to maintain, particularly if annual gas emission tests were necessary. He suggested that any expenditure on the site be closely monitored and reiterated Councillor J Legrys’ concerns regarding gas emissions. The Head of Community Services responded that the project was being funded by a Section 106 Agreement and that there were therefore stipulations that required the money to be spent in this location.


Councillor N Clarke asked Officers to confirm the specifications of the Section 106 Agreement. The Head of Community Services confirmed that he would do so and would report this back to Members.


Melrose Road Play Area


It was confirmed that the project had now been completed and that there was an outstanding balance of £1,988. It was proposed that this money be used to improve and upgrade the flooring under the original play equipment as it had deteriorated.


Councillor D Everitt remarked on the success of the project. He stated that he had recently visited the site himself and that he had been impressed with the number of families that were making use of the facility.


Councillor L Spence stated that the play hub had been beneficial to the local community and that the concept should be replicated elsewhere in the District in the future.




the progress on 2013/14 Capital Projects be noted.

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