Agenda item

Agenda item

North West Leicestershire Local Plan

Report of the Director of Services

Presented by the Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder


The Chairman reminded members that the usual rules of debate would apply to this item.


Councillor T J Pendleton presented the report to members, reiterating that the Local Plan was the culmination of years of hard work and was an inspirational strategy that would deliver genuinely sustainable growth across the district.  He reminded members that the Local Plan had been the subject of numerous rounds of informed scrutiny by members, carried out in public through the Local Plan Advisory Committee in public, with the aim of garnering cross party support.  He added that the Council had set out clear priorities for the district and the Local Plan would put these priorities into action.  He stated that the council was unashamedly determined that these priorities of jobs and growth would continue to be supported and would continue to support Coalville’s resurgence as an economic powerhouse, capitalising on its fantastic location, proximity to the motorway network, and wealth of talented people.  He made reference to the uniqueness of the place and stated that being open for business would not result in the loss of the uniqueness that made this a special place to live, work and thrive.  He added that the local distinctiveness and identity of places would be maintained including protecting the Whitwick green wedge and Coalville.  He reaffirmed the Council’s commitment to the development of the South East Coalville sustainable urban extension which would provide more than 3,000 homes and more than £13 million investment in infrastructure to support those new homes.  He highlighted the progress made in the regeneration of Coalville town centre, which had been made possible by the South East Coalville sustainable urban extension.  He also made reference to the significant investment in infrastructure which had been secured along the A511 corridor and across the district.  He alluded to the risks in the process of preparing the Local Plan and the considerable advice taken about the position in which the Council found itself.  He commended the Local Plan to Council and moved the recommendations set out in the report.


The motion was seconded by Councillor D J Stevenson who reserved his comments.


Councillor M B Wyatt sought clarification in respect of the Bardon relief road and its status in the Local Plan.  Councillor T J Pendleton stated that this was enshrined within the local planning decision and this could not be reversed.


Councillor J Legrys thanked the officers for their succinct explanations throughout the process.  He also thanked Councillor J Bridges as Chairman of the Local Plan Advisory Committee.  He expressed disappointment that the Local Plan Advisory Committee had not been listened to or engaged with by many members.  He did not feel that the Local Plan was a visionary plan but he believed that the people of North West Leicestershire must be given the opportunity to present their concerns and opposition directly to the independent inspector.  He made reference to the explicit timescales set out by the current government.  He added that the government had moved the goalposts and several acts had passed through parliament recently which had forced officers to go back to square one on their research.  He congratulated the officers on their work.  He made reference to the extensive scrutiny undertaken by the Local Plan Advisory Committee and urged members who not happy with the Local Plan to submit their comments to the inspector, providing their planning reasons.  He stated that the main concerns were the lack of identifiable infrastructure improvements and when they would be provided.  He also noted that Leicestershire County Council would not be supporting the National Forest Line or the A5111 bypass and he expressed concerns in respect of the losses going on in public life at present.  He concluded however that the pros and cons had to be balanced and he stressed the importance of preventing greater damage to our communities by uncompromising developers.  He urged members to support the motion.


Councillor A C Saffell made reference to the discussions which had taken place in respect of the town centre boundaries in Castle Donington, which the Parish Council had very strongly wished to redraw.  He stated that the Portfolio Holder had attended several Parish Council meetings and had indicated that his support.  He noted with great disappointment that the proposed boundaries remained unchanged.


Councillor G A Allman stated that he would be voting against the Local Plan, as he had listened to the residents of Ashby de la Zouch and he felt he had to take their views into consideration.  He quoted from the Local Plan that the purpose of planning was to help achieve sustainable development, which meant ensuring that providing for the needs of the current generation did not make life worse for future generations.  He stated that the increase in the size of Ashby de la Zouch did not sit well with this statement when compared with the overall increase across the district.  He added that the minimum affordable housing contribution for Ashby de la Zouch would be 30%; however the Money Hill consortium intended to provide a maximum of 10% and were not providing the nursing home that was promised.  He requested a recorded vote.


Councillor J Bridges expressed thanks to the officers who had compiled the Local Plan.  He also thanked Councillor J Legrys for his kind words and felt that the Local Plan Advisory Committee had truly operated as a cross party committee.  He added that all members had been given the opportunity to comment and had been encouraged to seek feedback from colleagues and parish councils.  He congratulated officers on building in as much flexibility as possible whilst making the Local Plan as robust as possible.


Councillor F Fenning thanked those involved for their hard work and thought.  He pointed out the cost of preparing the Local Plan to date, which was approximately £394,000 over a 2 year period.  He added that this excluded staff costs and he would like officers to consider the amount of time taken. 


Councillor T Eynon expressed concerns relating to public health infrastructure, and highlighted the recent report to Policy Development Group pursuing the fate of £1.3 million of developer contributions for health which had been at risk of being paid back.  She stated that she was however pleased to see that the Local Plan was taking transport infrastructure seriously, as according to the RAC, North West Leicestershire was amongst the top 10 districts where working people were obliged to use their private cars to go to work and she made reference to the many road junctions which repeatedly breached air quality guidelines.  She concluded that despite her concerns she supported the Local Plan being sent out for consultation and added that she would be encouraging people interested in health and wellbeing to have their say.  She commented that she was particularly pleased to support policy IF5 in which the Council committed itself to supporting the provision of public transport on the Leicester to Burton line and she looked forward to seeing progress on the inevitable revisions to the Local Plan which would take place following the consultation.


Councillor R Blunt paid tribute to those members who had served on the Local Plan Advisory Committee and emphasised the importance of the committee.  He thanked the Chief Executive for suggesting this approach which had enabled cross party working on such an important document.


Councillor S McKendrick made reference to the comments make and the concerns raised throughout the process, highlighting that there were some key challenges.  She stated that the questions that had to be asked were whether the Council had fulfilled its duty to co-operate, whether the housing figures were robust and whether the proposed Local Plan was sound.  She commented that in the next 6 week period it was crucial for everybody to ensure they expressed their views and submitted their comments.  She felt that some areas like Ashby de la Zouch would be devastated in by the level of housing development, and in some ways it was difficult to support the Local Plan.  She acknowledged that without a Local Plan there was no doubt that it would be an open day for developers, and therefore with reluctance she supported it

Councillor M Specht responded to the earlier comments in respect of Section 106 contributions for health as Chairman of the Policy Development Group.  He made reference to the meeting of the Policy Development Group which had discussed this issue.  He stated that he was not aware that this authority had had to pay any monies back, and he added that this issue had evolved from the reluctance from the National Health Service to take up Section 106 monies.  He acknowledged that some of those agreements were coming to the end of their terms, however he had been assured that the developers would be flexible in terms of timescales. He encouraged members with any concerns to contact the ward member concerned.


Councillor D J Stevenson made reference to the importance of this vote and of putting the Local Plan in place.  As Chairman of the Planning Committee he urged members to support the Local Plan.


Councillor T J Pendleton thanked members for their constructive comments and made reference to the collaborative working between the administration and the opposition which had taken place. 


In response to Councillor F Fenning’s comments, Councillor T J Pendleton stated that permanent staff were needed in order to respond to the changing goalposts.  He added that other authorities had experienced similar issues in finalising the Local Plan.  He advised that the costs involved were for permanent staff only.


In response to Councillor A C Saffell’s comments, Councillor T J Pendleton stated that he had supported the changed to the local centre in Castle Donington and minor modifications had been made to the boundary.


In response to Councillor T Eynon’s comments he confirmed that to date, no Section 106 monies had been returned to developers and he added that the Kegworth bypass would eliminate a further 2 air quality management areas. 


In response to Councillor S McKendrick’s comments he stated that the duty to co-operate was not a duty to agree. 


Councillor T J Pendleton reiterated the importance of moving forward with the Local Plan and submitting it to the inspectorate.  He thanked members for their support and thanked the officers for their work.  He commented the Local Plan to members. 


The Chairman then put the motion to the vote.


A recorded vote having been requested, the voting was as follows:


For the motion: Councillors R Adams, R Ashman, R D Bayliss, R Blunt, J Bridges, R Boam, R Canny, N Clarke, J Cotterill, J G Coxon, D Everitt, T Eynon, F Fenning, J Geary, S Gillard, T Gillard, L Goacher, D Harrison, G Hoult, J Hoult, G Jones, J Legrys, S McKendrick, K Merrie, T J Pendleton, V Richichi, N J Rushton, S Sheahan, A V Smith, N Smith, M Specht, D J Stevenson and M B Wyatt (33).


Against the motion: Councillor G A Allman (1).


Abstentions: Councillor A C Saffell (1).


The motion was therefore declared CARRIED.




a)       The minutes of the Local Plan Advisory Committee of 29 July 2015, 16 December 2015, 20 January 2016 and 9 March 2016 be received;


b)       The publication Local Plan be approved;


c)       Council agrees to publish and invite representations upon the Local Plan Development Plan Document together with the sustainability appraisal report and habitat regulation assessment for a six week period in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012;


d)       Authority be delegated to the Director of Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Planning to submit the Local Plan Development Plan Document to the Secretary of State following receipt and consideration of representations including the identification of possible modifications to the inspector;


e)       Authority be delegated to the Director of Services to agree possible modifications where requested by the planning inspector during the examination and;


f)        The appointed inspector be requested to recommend modifications to the submitted Local Plan to the Council in the event that the inspector considers that such modifications would make the plan sound.

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