Agenda item

Agenda item

16/00075/FUL: Proposed erection of detached dwelling with associated off-street parking and formation of new vehicular access onto Clements Gate

17 Clements Gate Diseworth Derby



The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members


Before the agent addressed the Committee, in response to a question from the Chairman, he confirmed that the proposal was for the applicant’s elderly parents.


Mr D Crane, agent, addressed the Committee.  He advised that the scale, massing and materials were good, and the dwelling had been carefully designed to fit in with the surrounding area.  It would also have a positive effect on the street scene. He reported that the dwelling was not for financial gain but for the elderly parents of the applicant and included a lift.  He believed that the officer’s report was repetitive and contained many contradictions.  Also, that the objections were taken in isolation and out of context.  He reminded Members that the application had support from Councillor N J Rushton, neighbours and the Parish Council, and  urged to permit.


The Chairman commented that there were no objections and that the dwelling had been purposely designed for the applicants elderly parents.  He added that having been to the site, he could see that the proposed dwelling did not even cover 25 percent of the plot and the village was already varied in building design.  He could not see any issues with the proposals and therefore moved that the application be permitted.  It was seconded by Councillor G Jones.


Councillor R Canny felt that the proposed size of the dwelling was too large and it would look like it had been shoe horned in to the site.  She understood that it was already a varied street with regards to building design but felt it would not add anything to the open end of the street.


Councillor G Jones supported the comments of the Chairman.


Councillor R Johnson raised concerns regarding the steep incline of the proposed access and suggested using the existing access.  He believed that officers did not have any concerns regarding the development of the site but it was the proposed size of the dwelling that caused the issue.  The neighbouring house would lose the light from their bay window and he agreed with the officers that it was too large.


Councillor D Everitt concurred with other Members as he also believed the proposed dwelling was too large.


Councillor J Legrys found the decision difficult to make as there was a lot of building work currently in the area which indicated that applications had been permitted.  He felt strongly that the Committee were being lectured by particular Members regarding following the professional advice of planning officers and now they were going against the officer’s recommendations.  He commented that it was a large plot which would make a good home and he could see the need for the proposal.  He added that he would be voting in favour of the motion but in his opinion the proposal was a little on the large size and he asked the officers to discuss this with the applicant with the possibility of making a change under reserved matters.




The application be permitted.

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