Agenda item

Agenda item

15/00950/FULM: Proposed erection of agricultural buildings, farm shop and farmhouse along with the formation of vehicular access and yard

Land South Of The Green Diseworth Derby DE74 2QN


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report to Members


Before he spoke to the Committee, Mr A Allman sought clarification from the officer on the loophole referred to in the update sheet in relation to the structures having a height limit of 3.0 metres if they are in close proximity to the airfield.


The Senior Planning Officer advised that as the buildings exceeded 3.0 metres in height they were not permitted development and that reference to permitted development was simply to outline that built agricultural structures could be provided on the site. As the application was on sloping land a loophole in the permitted development regulations would allow buildings to be constructed which were higher than 3.0 metres provided that at their highest point they were no greater than 3.0 metres above the highest land level adjacent to the building where such a measurement would be taken.


Mr A Allman, objector, addressed the Committee. He advised Members that the site was outside the Limits to Development of the village and that should there be any issues with any of the three applications, the other two could remain unfinished. He expressed concerns that the size of the development was unsustainable and that the farm shop would not be financially viable. He was worried about how empty buildings on the might be used.


Ms C Chave, agent addressed the Committee. She advised Members that the family had farmed in the village for 100 years and were now preparing for the next 100 on land which they owned and would allow them to remain in the village. She highlighted that there was no village shop currently and that the farm shop would be accessible to all. Ms C Chave noted that the land was outside the Limits to Development, but drew Members’ attention to the independent assessment that stated the application was justified and sustainable, adding that a sound business case had been put forward. She added that the Council’s independent expert had verified the farm’s financial business case, stated that Mr Allman was not in a position to accurately comment on it, and urged Members to support the recommendation.


The officer’s recommendation was moved by Councillor J Legrys and seconded by Councillor J Hoult.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he supported the application as it would assist in sustaining the village. He highlighted that the development would remove the movement of the heavy industrial vehicles from the village and that farming needed to grow. He added that the location of the farm shop on the main road was ideal and that the application should be commended.


Following a question from Councillor J Geary, the Planning and Development Team Manager advised that there were no limitations on the goods that could be sold in the farm shop and that there were no conditions restricting the shop.


Councillor J Geary felt that the shop would be an asset to the village.


Councillor D J Stevenson stated that the site was an ideal location for a farm as the heavy vehicles would not need to go through the village.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Regeneration.




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