Agenda item

Agenda item

Capital Projects Update

Report of the Leisure Services Team Manager


The Head of Community Services introduced Catherine Ridgeway, the Community Focus Officer for Coalville and the surrounding area.  Her role was to support community groups and parishes, and her input could be valuable for the working group with the various projects.


The Leisure Services Team Manager presented the report to Members and provided the Working Party with an update on each of the ongoing projects.


Coalville Park Improvements – Peace Garden

In was confirmed that the project was now completed and the well attended official opening was held on 3 November.  Feedback received by officers was very good.  The Leisure Services Team Manager thanked Angela Bexton for her work in managing the project.


Owen Street Recreation Ground – Changing Room Development

Building works were underway and was on schedule to be completed in April 2016.  It was planned for the official opening to take place in July 2016 and would be marked by a marquee game for Coalville Town Football Club.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre

Members were informed that work had not really progressed since the last meeting due to a Thringstone Miners Social Centre officer absence but was now being moved forward.


Cropston Drive BMX Track and Wheeled Sports Facility

Unfortunately, contrary to the report the proposals and costings were not available at the meeting; the Leisure Services Team Manager confirmed that it would be circulated to Members before Christmas.


Urban Forest Park, Coalville – Footway and Drainage Improvements

It was confirmed that work had been completed and positive comments received.


Councillor J Legrys reported that part of the Boardwalk had been vandalised and asked officers to look into it.  He also added that it was a very successful project but the people are not aware of it, he suggested more signage be erected.


The Head of Community Services reported that he had received comments regarding the name of the park as it was not clear what it was.  He suggested that Members consider a new name and to look at some suggestions at the next meeting.  Members were in agreement.  The Leisure Services Team Manager confirmed that he would arrange a press release to publicise the park.


Thringstone Bowls Club Toilet Block

The Head of Community Services commented that it had been a fantastic funding project and suggested that Members may want to visit the club with an official celebration event.  Members were interested in attending an event.


It was also noted that whilst the total cost of the works is still confirmed as £25,422, BIFFA have confirmed that the amount required by a third party would be £2,606, which was slightly more than the £2,500 originally requested.  Members agreed the additional funding request.


Melrose Road Green Gym

Images of various pieces of Green Gym equipment were made available for Members to see during discussions.  Quotes received from contractors were between £10,500 and £13,700.


Benches in Thringstone

An image of the type of bench quoted for was available for Members to see during discussions.  The cost of the bench was £430 and installation would cost between £60 to £170.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre Training Pitch

Members were asked to consider allocating up to £5,000 towards the training pitch project as this would constitute the 10 percent third party contribution needed to apply for the remaining funding required.  Members agreed the funding allocation.


Scotlands Playing Field Play Hub

The Leisure Services Team Manager informed Members that the project had not been moved any further forward due to the issues at Lillehammer Drive.  Councillor J Legrys asked officers to progress the issues before the next meeting.


Memorial Trees

Work was being undertaken on identifying potential locations and types of trees for planting.  It was suggested that this project be progressed in the 2017/18 financial year as the planting would not take place until 2018.  Members were in agreement.


Variable Message Signs

It was reported that the Community Focus Officers were currently liaising with the Leicestershire County Council regarding the message signs and it seemed that the process may include establishing a speed watch programme in hotspot locations which would require volunteers.


It was agreed for the Community Focus Officer to contact Members to identify hot spot locations to be used in a press release to encourage volunteers to help with the speed watch programme.  An update would be provided at the next meeting.


Coalville Town Guide

Members were updated that the initiative was being discussed in a range of forums to try and clarify the objectives of the leaflet and other examples of town guides were being sourced.


Councillor J Legrys expressed his disappointment in the project as it was taking too long.  He reported that money had been allocated to a similar project in 2008 as part of the Coalville Town Centre Partnership which had never been used and asked the Head of Community Services to look into whether the money and information collated was still available.  The Head of Community Services agreed.


The Chairman also expressed his disappointment as the project started in the summer and six months later it was still in the early discussion stage, he explained that business people were becoming frustrated due to the lengthy process.


Flag Pole at front of Council Offices

The project was now completed and was very successful.


Pheonix Green Bridge Mural

Officers would be looking at how the mural on Pheonix Green Bridge and the mural next to the former bus depot could be refreshed and the associated costs.  The Head of Community Services confirmed that the local school would need to be consulted but the refresh would hopefully be completed in the summer.


Improved Signage

Leicestershire County Council was close to finalising their signage review for Coalville with brown signs being installed in the coming weeks.


Coalville – Grass/Verge Maintenance

The Head of Community Services reported that Leicestershire County Council had confirmed that they would be increasing their urban grass cuts from five cuts to six cuts in 2016.  Members agreed to wait to see the impact of this increase before agreeing to fund the additional one off works within Coalville on an annual basis.


The Leisure Services Team Manager reported that a request had been received for an additional salt bin on Bedale Avenue but as the cut off point to apply to Leicestershire County Council was during the summer, an application would be made next year.  The average cost for a salt bin was £200 to £250.  Members raised concerns as they felt that the salt bin was desperately needed and waiting till next year to apply was not good for the area.  Councillor J Legrys suggested that the District Council purchase a salt bin independently and arrange for it to be sited.  The Head of Community Services explained that applications had to be made through the formal procedure as it was Leicestershire County Council’s land and they would need to assess the area before agreeing to the installation of the salt bin.  The Leisure Services Team Manager agreed to notify Leicestershire County Council of the dangers of the area and to request a salt bin.  He agreed to circulate the response to Members of the Working Party.




The progress update on 2015/16 Capital Projects be noted.




The original £2,500 agreed for the Thringstone Bowls Club toilet block be increased to £2,606.


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