Agenda item

Agenda item

15/00499/FULM: The development of a new solar farm of up to 5MW of generating capacity, comprising the installation of solar photovoltaic panels and associated infrastructure including electrical inverter and transformer cabins, switchgear and meter house, access tracks, fencing, CCTV, landscape planting and grid connection.

Land To The East Side B4116 Ashby De La Zouch And North Of Measham Road



Having declared non-pecuniary interests in both items A3 & A4, Councillors R Boam, J Cotterill, J Legrys, N Smith and M Specht left the meeting and took no part in the consideration and voting thereon.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the reports for A3 and A4 to Members.


The Planning and Development Team Manager read out a letter received from Andrew Bridgen MP:


Ms A Wilmot, objector, addressed the Committee. She advised Members that she had concerns over the substandard access to the site and that residents along the road already found it difficult to join from the right. She highlighted that badgers lived in the fields and this would affect their setts and that there were already four solar panel farms near Packington and that no thought had been given to the residents. She reminded Members that the local MP had stated that there was no longer pressure to approve the applications. She went on to advise the Committee that the applicant had made no contact with the residents of Park Farm and had not kept in touch and expressed concerns over who would dismantle and clear the land at the end of the 25 years.


Ms S Rickers, objector, addressed the Committee. She advised the Members that when she had attended a consultation on the application the main objection was the proposed HS2 line. She advised that the land owner had put in the application, however until any decision had been made on the line the application should remain in limbo. She added that a decision on HS2 was not expected until December at the earliest therefore the application should not be considered.


Ms S Bangert, agent, addressed the Committee. She advised the Members that both applications were sustainable and that the second application could not go ahead if the first was refused.  She stated that the site was 1.6% of the farmholding and that sheep would still be able to graze in the area. She highlighted to Members that:

-       the solar farm would be there for 25 years only,

-       there were more supporters than objectors,

-       It was one of many schemes nationally that was helping to meet the targets of reducing carbon emissions,

-       Members of the public had the opportunity to own shares in the site

She concluded by urging Members to support the application.


Mr B Dodd, on behalf of Green Fox Community Energy, addressed the Committee. He outlined to Members the role that Green Fox Community Energy played in the application and that should the applications be permitted there would be a share opportunity for local residents. He advised Members that Thringstone Community Centre had approached the company as it was seeking other ways of generating income following grant cuts and that the small solar farm would generate some of the required finance. He urged the Committee to support the applications.


The officer’s recommendation to permit was moved by Councillor M B Wyatt and seconded by Councillor D Everitt.


Councillor M B Wyatt stated that it was a good scheme for both the community and environment.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration clarified to Members that the highways authority had met them out on site and were happy with the access and that the an additional condition was to be added. He advised Members that there was no HS2 easement that the authority had been notified of.


Councillor G Jones stated that he was not against solar panels but expressed concerns that the number of farms had blighted the area. He stated that in the future solar panel should be put on commercial buildings and felt that Packington or Ashby should benefit from the farms not Thringstone.


Councillor J G Coxon stated that he had the same concerns that the area was surrounded with solar panel farms and that valuable farm land was being lost. He questioned if there were any plans in place for when the site was decommissioned and that in future solar panels were placed on the roofs of buildings.


Councillor V Richichi raised concerns that the site was too close to dwellings, that it was in view of the traffic, that the land had a very good agricultural grading and that the local villages should benefit rather than a village further away.


Councillor D J Stevenson stated that it was not a material consideration as to who should benefit from the site.


Councillor R Adams stated that he did not like windmills, so preferred the solar panel farm, but raised concerns over enforcing the removal of the equipment.


The Head of Planning and Regeneration advised Members that the authority had the enforcement powers to ensure that the equipment would be dismantled and removed from the site if required.


Councillor D Everitt stated that the country needed renewable energy. He highlighted that the farm would not be seen from the road and that the badgers would still be able to exist. He advised that the concerns as to how the equipment would be removed and valuable land were weak against the strong reasons for needing to find more energy sources, adding he supported the application.


In response to a question from Councillor R Johnson, the Head of Planning and Regeneration confirmed to Members that the applicant was Solstice Renewables Ltd.


Councillor M B Wyatt advised that he would rather see a solar farm for 25 years than houses forever.


Councillor D J Stevenson advised Members that the land would come back to farming.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Regeneration.

Supporting documents: