Agenda item

Agenda item

Capital Projects Update

Report of the Head of Community Services


The Head of Community Services presented the report to Members and welcomed Ian Gowdridge, Grounds Maintenance Team Leader to the meeting. 


Coalville Park Improvements – Peace Garden


Following the visit to the site, further consultations had taken place with stakeholders and plans had been refined further.  The final plans were on display at the meeting for Members information.  The Head of Community Services reminded Members of the additional requests for the garden that were made during the visit to the site and recommended that an additional £1,000 be allocated to make it possible.  All Members agreed.


Councillor J Legrys congratulated everyone who had been involved with the development of the peace garden as it had been a pleasure and he was very pleased with the result.  The Grounds Maintenance Team Leader thanked his team for their hard work on the project.


Owen Street Recreation Ground


There was still no progress with proposals and costings to future proof the lux levels of floodlights but officers were hopeful that options would be available for the next meeting.  In response to a question from Councillor L Spence, the Head of Community Services explained that it was more difficult to acquire a contractor for the floodlights as it required a specific expertise.


An application had been made to the Land Registry for the Council to gain formal access over of the access road to the changing rooms and this had subsequently been approved.


A funding application to the Football Stadia Improvement Fund for a new changing pavilion had been submitted and if the application was successful it was possible that conditions would be attached to the grant award.  Any conditions attached to the funding would be considered by officers in liaison with the club and the Football Stadia Improvement Fund if necessary before any building work commenced.   Since the report had been written, the panel had considered the application and it had been approved. 


As requested Officers had considered a reduction in size to the trees that lined the entrance drive to the recreation ground which were covered by a Tree Preservation Order.  In liaison with the NWLDC’s Tree Officer, it was agreed that a 25 per cent reduction would be satisfactory and planning permission had been granted.  Members agreed to recommend to Cabinet the sum of £1,800 to undertake the works.


Thringstone Miners Social Centre


Thringstone Miners Social Centre Trustees were still working with officers to identify potential sources of funding to be able to convert the former Clover Place play area into a training pitch.  There had been no progress since the last meeting.


Councillor J Legrys reminded officers that diverting the footpath as part of phase one of the project would require permission as it was a regulated footpath.  The Head of Community Services confirmed that he was aware.


Councillor L Spence explained that there were two footpaths in the area and residents were concerned about possible anti social behaviour, therefore he asked that residents be consulted.  The Head of Community Services confirmed that consultations would take place.


Cropston Drive BMX Track and Wheeled Sports Facility


The area had now been tidied and grass seeds had been planted on the bare areas.  Approval had been granted by the Housing Section to undertake work to the hedge line that prevented visibility from Cropston Drive and officers had developed designs to create a gateway to the site by significantly improving the piece of land owned by the Housing Section that sat between the road and the recreation ground.  The proposals were on display at the meeting.


Councillor M B Wyatt expressed concerns regarding the proposals for the piece of land as it had been put aside by Cabinet many years ago for new social housing which was desperately needed in the area.  The Head of Community Services stated that he would discuss the status of the land with the Housing Service.


Councillor J Legrys asked for some clarification on the status of the project.  The Head of Community Services explained that progress was being made on the basketball court, the boundary fencing adjacent to the bookmakers and the hedge line.  The frontage would not commence until discussions had been had with the Housing Section.


Councillor M Specht requested that no work be undertaken on the hedgerows until after the nesting season.  The Head of Community Services confirmed that it would be taken into account and work would not be undertaken until the nesting season had finished.


Urban Forest Park, Coalville


Orders had been placed to undertake the work previously approved by Members and it was anticipated that the work would be delivered during spring and early summer.  Plans of the improvements were on display at the meeting for information.


Scotlands Playing Fields


A location had been identified for the relocation of the Lillehammer Drive Multi-Use Games Area, local residents had been consulted and planning consent had been given for the change of use for the current site. Legal Services were currently finalising the Deed of Variation for the Section 106 Agreement with Barratts.  Local residents would also be updated when firm plans were available regarding the relocation of the Multi Use Games Area.  Members would be updated at the next meeting.  Councillor J Geary asked that Ward Members also be kept updated as well as the local residents.


In response to a question from Councillor M Specht, the Head of Community Services confirmed that the area would remain as public open space.


Councillor J Legrys reported that the planning application for Lillehammer Drive contained lots of detail regarding the plans for the site.  He stated that the site was still fenced off but it was hoped that the Multi-Use Games Area would be moved before the school holidays.


Highway Verge Improvements


All originally planned one-off improvement works to Phoenix Green, Bardon Road and Ashby Road had been completed.  However, further one-off improvement works have been identified and would improve the visual appearance of the areas further as well as reducing the amount of ongoing works required to maintain them.  Members agreed a sum of £1,443 to undertake the further improvement works.


Councillor M B Wyatt thanked officers for the really good job that was undertaken on Broomleys corner.  He also inquired about the trees that residents had asked to be planted on Bardon Road.  The Head of Community Services agreed to discuss the matter with Leicestershire County Council.


Councillor J Legrys commented that sections of fencing were damaged at Phoenix Green and although Leicestershire County Council agreed to repair it nothing had been done, he asked if the District Council could do anything.  The Grounds Maintenance Team Leader agreed to look into it.  Councillor J Legrys added that he was pleased with the work that had been undertaken.


Warden Presence


The additional 16 hours of warden presence previously agreed by Members was currently being recruited to and would be focussed on Cropston Drive, Scotlands, Lillehammer and Adam Morris Way.  Staples Drive Play Area had been formally transferred to the Council and would also be built into warden and maintenance rotas.


Councillor M Specht commented that the trees at Staples Drive Play Area were being well looked after and looked much better.


Thringstone Bowls Club


Officers had been approached by Thringstone Bowls Club to support the building of a new toilet block as the club had grown over the years and the current facilities were not suitable.  The club had already secured 90 percent funding from Biffa and have requested the final 10 percent, which is the sum of £2,500, from the Council.  Plans for the development were available to view at the meeting.


In response to a question from Councillor M Specht, the Ground Maintenance Team Leader confirmed that there would be an increase of six toilets.


Councillor L Spence commented that the Council actively supported Thringstone Bowls Club and it had really transformed over the years as young people had been encouraged to take part.


Councillor M B Wyatt asked if the Bowls club were funding any of the project.  Councillor L Spence confirmed that the club did not have a great deal of reserves so it was unlikely that they were contributing.  Councillor M B Wyatt felt that the club should put forward 5 percent of the funding and the Council could match fund the final 5 percent.  Councillor D Everitt commented that the club had already invested a lot as the club had improved considerably during recent years.


Councillor M Specht commented that fund raising events had been held in the village and the club had just received funding for equipment recently with help from the Parish.  He was happy with the proposed 10 percent contribution to the club.  The majority of Members were also in agreement. 


Councillor M B Wyatt commented that it was always good for organisations to raise their own funds instead of relying on others.  Councillor L Spence agreed but explained that in this case, the clubs resources had been put to other uses, for example going into schools to encourage younger people to take part in the sport.


Memorial Trees


A request has been received from Members for officers to consider planting trees in various locations throughout the Coalville area in the run up to 2018 in memory of the end of World War one and of everyone who lost their lives during the war.  It was understood that a number of poplar trees were planted in the past to commemorate World War one and following a meeting with officers it was agreed that Members would obtain further information regarding where the original trees were planted.  Officers would than develop the project further.


Councillor J Legrys reported that he was unsure as to which trees had been planted to represent the fallen but it was being looked into by Mike Kendrick.  Members then had a discussion as to the different types of trees that could be planted.




The progress update on 2015/16 Capital Projects be noted.




a)    The sum of £1,800 be allocated from balances to undertake height reduction work to trees at Owen Street.


b)    The sum of £1,443 be allocated from balances to undertake further one off improvements to Bardon Road, Phoenix Green and Ashby Road.


c)    The sum of £2,500 be allocated from unallocated capital as a 10 percent contribution to Thringstone Bowls Club Toilet Project.


d)    The sum of £1,000 be allocated from balances for the peace garden at Coalville Park.

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