Agenda item

Agenda item

2015/16 Events Update

Report of the Head of Community Services


The Cultural Services Team Manager presented the report to Members.


He provided Members with an update on each event.


Picnic in the Park and Proms in the Park – 27 and 28 June


Members were referred to the activities planned for the events as highlighted within the report.  He reported that following a meeting with the Coalville Specials Events Group on 25 February, it was suggested that an additional £1,000 to cover infrastructure costs in delivering the new Proms in the Park event, and £500 for improved signage to promote both events be requested.  All Members were happy with this request.


Coalville Summer Fest 2015 – 27 June


The Coalville Town team were delivering the event which would be held at the Belvoir Shopping Centre. A further meeting on 28 April was being held to discuss the contents of the event.


Coaville by the Sea - 8 August


Following the success of last year’s Coalville by the Sea, a similar event had been organised for families on the open spaced grassed area at Needhams Walk.  Although this area was an excellent, popular and safe venue for families, the newly developed forecourt and event area outside Coalville Market could also be considered as an alternative location.  Members were asked for their views.


Councillor J Legrys felt that Needhams Walk would be a more appropriate venue as it was more secure and comfortable for families.  All Members agreed.


Christmas Lights Switch on Event – 21 November


The 2014 Christmas Light Switch on event was combined with the Coalville Town Team Food and Drink event with both organisations benefiting from the merger, therefore the format would be repeated for 2015.


Councillor M B Wyatt reiterated his comments from the previous meeting regarding combining the two events and the impact it had on the local businesses.  He explained that local businesses needed the two separate events as it brought in trade to the area.  The Head of Community Services explained that the issue was discussed at the last meeting and it was agreed by Members that the event would remain combined as one.  Councillor M B Wyatt commented that this would contribute to the ongoing demise of Coalville. The Chairman strongly disagreed and believed that Councillor M B Wyatt was being discourteous to the Members of the Working Party.


Coalville Christmas Decorations


The 2015/16 budget for the Coalville Christmas decorations was £15,500 which included testing, repairs, licence, energy consumption, storage, erection and removal of current decorations.  A tender process was currently underway for the Coalville Christmas decoration contract and Members would be updated further at the next meeting. 


In response to a question from Councillor L Spence, the Cultural Services Team Manager agreed that a breakdown of the tender could be available once the process had been completed.


The Cultural Services Team Manager thanked Julia Harley and Angela Bexton for their hard work on the events throughout the year, Members concurred. 




The progress update on the 2015/16 events be noted.




The additional sum of £1,500 from Coalville Special Expense balances be allocated to support signage and infrastructure for Proms in the Park/Picnic in the Park weekend as recommended by the Events Sub Group.

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