Agenda item

Agenda item

15/00063/FUL: Demolition of existing fire station and erection of a new retail unit with associated car parking, landscaping and site works and external lighting

Moira Fire Station Shortheath Road Moira Swadlincote Derby DE12 6AL


Having declared a pecuniary interest, Councillors J Legrys and L Spence left the meeting during consideration of this item and took no part in the debate or voting thereon.


The Planning and Development Team Manager presented the report to members.


Dr T Hyde, objector, addressed the meeting.  He expressed concerns regarding loss of privacy, traffic volume, noise and residential amenity.  He stated that the adjacent canal amenities were a great asset to the area and would be adversely impacted by the proposals.  He added that footfall would increase, resulting in loss of privacy for residents.  He stated that the traffic already caused a bottleneck, particularly at peak times.  He referred to the other planned applications in the area.  He stated that the proposals would be a magnet attracting people from the surrounding area, particularly at peak times, and there was no traffic data publicly visible from actual traffic studies.  He commented that Moira furnace regularly held events and the traffic volume would become too high.  He stated that he had witnessed many cars speeding down that road, and the risk of serious collision was greatly increased as visibility was restricted due to the road profile.  He added that there was a lack of parking provision.


Mr E Sutton, the applicant’s agent, addressed the meeting.  He stated that in principle, it was felt that a convenience store was an appropriate use of the site.  He added that all comments had been taken on board and the elevations had been enhanced, which was welcomed by the planning officer.  He advised that planning permission was given for the use of the site, but the applicant was legally tied in with the Co-operative Group, who had a reputation for supporting local communities.  He added that the proposals would offer employment, providing 3 posts.  He felt it was fair to say that the new store would help provide for a sustainable community given the limited local amenities, and would offer the local community a far greater amenity.  He advised that according to the highways consultant, there had only been 6 accidents  on this stretch of road in the last 9 years, none of which involved pedestrians or children.  He added that parking spaces had been provided and there would be no on road manoeuvring during deliveries.


Councillor J G Coxon moved that the application be permitted in accordance with the officer’s recommendation.  He felt this was a sustainable site and an ideal site for retail use.  He added that the proposals would provide an amenity for the village, at a time when most villages were declining in amenity.  He commented that he had no qualms supporting this application as it would make the village more sustainable.


The motion to permit the application was seconded by Councillor J Hoult.


Councillor T Neilson commented that this was a good application.  He stated that his only concern was about the non-sequential approach being taken and if the other unit down the road was also to go ahead, it would be overkill.  However he welcomed the design and stated that he would support the application.


The Chairman then put the motion to permit the application to the vote.


The motion was declared CARRIED.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Regeneration.

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