Agenda item

Agenda item

Local Plan - Community Engagement

Report of the Director of Services


The Director of Services presented the report to members.  He referred to the report at a previous meeting on the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), which this report expanded upon.


The Planning Policy Team Manager added that the SCI was the starting point, but as this was a generic document, it was necessary to go into more detail in the Local Plan.  He advised that this was still work in progress and would be updated as work on the Local Plan progressed.  He advised that the document attempted to set out who would be targeted and how they would be engaged.  He added that options were also being investigated as to how young people could be engaged.


Councillor S Sheahan asked if the plan had been drawn up with consideration being given to the Council’s Community Engagement Strategy.  The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that he would be working in conjunction with the Community Focus Team who had drawn up the Community Engagement Strategy.


Councillor S Sheahan moved that the recommendation be amended to add the words ‘taking into account any relevant considerations from the Community Engagement Strategy’.  This was seconded by Councillor J Legrys.


Councillor J Legrys commented that whatever the policy said, it would always be wrong for somebody.  He stated that he was happy to go along with the proposals as a starter for ten; however he felt that the policy needed to be member led given his experience with the Core Strategy.  He felt that members needed to put their heads on the block, explain the proposals and be accountable.  He added that he took exception to officers taking the blame.  He also expressed dissatisfaction with the emphasis being placed on web based communication, as there were a number of his constituents who had no access to the internet and they were being excluded.  He felt that alternative methods of communication needed to be devised to engage with people who could not access the internet.  He added that this was why the strategy should be Councillor led, as they would be the community leaders within their wards.  He welcomed the inclusion of the students at Stephenson College, however he would like to see the pupils included at King Edward VII and other relevant schools, as he would like to hear their views.


Councillor S Sheahan endorsed the comments regarding members taking full responsibility in their community leadership roles.  He added that he felt there was still work to be done on partnership working with officers.


Councillor C Large echoed the comments regarding community leadership.  She stated that she attended Parish Council meetings to give updates on the Local Plan and felt that all members should be willing to do so and answer questions.  She also agreed that the next generation should be involved in the consultation.


The Director of Services advised that members’ comments had been noted and would be taken into account and developed.




The proposed Community Engagement Plan in respect of the draft Local Plan be noted.

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