Agenda item

Public Question and Answer Session

To receive questions from members of the public under rule no.10 of the Council Procedure Rules.



There were two questions asked which are set out below together with the responses. Each member of the public who asked a question was invited by the Chair to ask one supplementary question which is also set out together with the response.

Question from Ms G Baker

‘For clarity, I am specifically referring to the West Whitwick proposal to build 500 houses from New Swannington to Talbot Lane. The committee sets out 11 Plan Objectives within your strategy, Objective No 4 states that development should reduce the need to travel, including by private car, and increasing opportunities for cycling, walking and public transport use.  This includes green infrastructure where possible and through the delivery of dedicated new infrastructure.  You have summarised this as (reducing the need to travel).


Can you explain to me please how likely it is that 1000-2000 people are going to walk to places of employment from West Whitwick to enable this site to meet that objective?’

Response from the Chair of the Local Plan Committee

Where people travel to and how, is for individuals to decide. The planning system, however, needs to provide them with the opportunity to use different modes of transport to access services and facilities that people require. This is what Objective 4 seeks to do. It covers a broad range of sustainable transport options, which includes not just walking but also cycling and the use of public transport. Any new development will need to be designed so that it can facilitate the use of these different transport modes as much as possible. This means providing pedestrian and cycle links through to existing routes which then connect to local services and facilities such as shops, schools and doctors. In terms of employment, this is more likely to mean using public transport. There are bus services which pass along Brooks Lane which go towards Coalville and Loughborough and hence onto other destinations, including places like Bardon employment area.’


The supplementary question summarised the factors contributing to the likely increase in car usage in the West Whitwick area: a lack in the provision of public transport, the large school nearby, and the potential routes from the prospective development to employment sites near to the airport or via the M1 Motorway. Consequently, Ms Baker asked whether Officers agreed that the allocated development at West Whitwick would substantially increase the volume of car journeys undertaken in the area?


In response, the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised that the planning system was designed to provide and facilitate different transport methods rather than enforce any particular one. He took on board the concerns expressed, nevertheless the concerns must be balanced against the need to provide new homes within the district and the advantages of developing the West Whitwick site.


Question from Ms G Armston

For clarity, I am specifically referring to the West Whitwick proposal to build 500 houses from New Swannington to Talbot Lane.  SHELLAs states that C47 is undeliverable as it is landlocked at the Talbot Lane end and is hardly ideal at the Church Lane end with possibly another 1000+ vehicles using what is already a busy lane.  In my opinion, C77 also has major issues like access, topography and subsidence to name a few.  Wouldn't it be more appropriate to spend time and resources on finding sites that are deliverable and remove this from the local plan?’


Response from the Chair of the Local Plan Committee

The Council’s SHELAA was published in 2021. At that time site C47 was considered to be unachievable as access would be required via third party land. Since then, a site promoter has come forward who controls both C47, AND also C81 which is off Church Lane. Discussions are ongoing with the highway authority regarding access issues to these two parcels of land. In terms of site C77, there is a different potential developer who is interested in this site and who is aware of the challenges it poses but believes that a suitable development can be achieved.’


The supplementary question summarised concerns around traffic congestion and access at Talbot Lane. Thus, Ms Armston asked had the developer come to an agreement with landowners bordering the lane, or did they plan to have no access on to Talbot Lane?


The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager noted these concerns, especially with relation to the potential increase in the volume of traffic near New Swannington Primary School, which Officer’s would think very carefully about. The developer had also submitted some information to the Highway Authority.


The Chair thanked the questioners and residents of Whitwick for attending the Committee and expressing their concerns as a valuable part of the democratic process.

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