Agenda item

Agenda item

24/00240/FULM Partial conversion of part of agricultural building to a mixed use for the purpose of a wedding venue and other functions and the erection of 10 holiday units

Hill Farm, Willesley Wood Side, Ashby De La Zouch


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Parish Councillor M Blair-Park, representing Ashby Town Council, addressed the Committee. He stated that the Town Council’s main objections were highway safety due to the already very busy road that had lots of on street parking from Hicks Lodge visitors, and the noise pollution the proposed venue would generate. Members were asked that should they permit the application conditions be added to ensure music only be played within the building, windows and doors be kept closed while music was playing, the building be constructed to minimise noise, and the number and timings of the events be restricted.


Mr F Bedford, objector, addressed the Committee. He reminded Members that the site was in the heart of the National Forest and was enjoyed by walkers and cyclists. His objections were based on the impact the development would have on the nature, wildlife and tranquillity of the area.  He believed that the proposed conditions did not address the issues as there was no safe route for walkers and cyclists, there would still be a noise impact, and the parking provision was unrealistic which would result in on street parking.


Mr J Henderson, agent, addressed the Committee. Members were reminded that there were no objections from the Highway Authority or Environmental Health, and the noise impact had been incorporated into the building design. It was noted that there had been no objections from the two nearest neighbours. Members were urged to permit the application.


Councillor D Bigby, Ward Member, addressed the Committee. His main concern was the damage to local amenities in relation to noise disturbance, the impact on walkers and cyclists who regularly use the site and highway safety. He stated that Willesley Wood Side was a dangerous straight road with vehicles regularly travelling above the speed limit, and reported a recent accident at approximately the time people would be leaving the site in the evening should the application be permitted. He reminded Members that anapplication refused by the committee on highway safety grounds previously was upheld at appeal. Should Members be mindful to permit the application, he urged the tightening of conditions.


The Planning and Development Team Manager addressed the matters raised by the speakers.


In determining the application some concerns were raised in relation to highway safety, in that there were no pedestrian facilities to walk safely down the narrow and dangerous road the site is accessed from. Some Members were unhappy with how the Highway Authority had dealt with the application. There was also a concern about the removal of an oak tree and the impact the sewerage treatment proposals would have on the River Mease SAC in terms of pollution..   However, it was acknowledged that this type of development was a benefit to the economy and that by permitting the application, conditions could be added to restrict the operation of the venue. 


The officer’s recommendation to permit the application was moved by Councillor R Morris and seconded by Councillor R Canny.


The Chair put the motion to the vote. A recorded vote being required, the voting was as detailed below.




The application be permitted in accordance with the officer’s recommendations with conditions as amended in the update sheet.




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