Agenda item

Agenda item

Local Plan - Strategy Policies: consideration of Responses to Consultation

The report of the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager


The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager presented the report and along with the Principal Planning Policy Officers, summarised each of the policies for consideration.


For clarification prior to the discussion, the Legal Advisor explained the ‘duty to co-operate’ requirement in relation to the current consultation on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).   Discussion from Members followed in which reference was made to the possibility of looking again at allocated sites for development.  The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager confirmed that this was still uncertain and would come back to Committee in due course.


During continued discussion on the ‘duty to co-operate’ requirement, comments were made by Members on the lower level of co-operation from some nearby authorities and it was suggested that an elected member attend the regional meetings where allocation of unmet need figures were discussed.  It was also suggested that the Council ask other authorities to take some of North West Leicestershire’s housing allocation.  The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager explained that North West Leicestershire had not declared any unmet housing need and therefore it could not be discussed with other authorities.


Each policy was then discussed in turn and several questions of clarity were sought and addressed by officers throughout the discussion.


Policy S1 – Future Housing and Economic Development Needs


Discussion was had on the possible extension of the local plan period, and it was explained that further work would be undertaken in due course on the employment requirements following the very recent national changes.


A suggestion was made to separate industrial development and warehousing.  The Principal Planning Policy Officer explained the practicality of combining the two in planning terms due to the similar nature.  It was also noted that combining them gave more flexibility, as separation could lead to the need to allocate more land to ensure numbers.


Following a discussion on the Freeport site it was confirmed that planning requirements still applied, and planning infrastructure would be needed if demonstrated it was required.  It was noted that only if the Development Consent Order was granted would the site become part of the district supply numbers.


Policy S2 – Settlement Hierarchy


Officers corrected an error in the report at the appendix on page 74 of the agenda pack, the missing figure in relation to the two Kegworth sites was 251 dwellings.


Some concern was raised in the consultation that although there was the ability for settlements to move up categories if improvements were made in the area, there was not the ability to move down if the category disappeared.  The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager explained that in these circumstances the settlement would be classed as a local needs settlement and therefore development would be discouraged. 


Policy S5 – Residential Development in the Countryside


Concerns were raised about self builds in rural areas and it was asked if it should be included in the policy.  The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager explained that the policy was for people who needed to be in a rural area rather than self builds, he also added that self builds would be subject to its own separate policy.


Following the conclusion of the discussion on the individual policies, Councillor M Wyatt stated that it was clear that residents were frustrated with housing allocations and villages felt like they were losing their identity.  Therefore, he moved recommendations one to seven within the report with the addition of the following:


‘North West Leicestershire District Council condemns the government’s decision to increase the allocation of housing and request the Member of Parliament to make urgent representation to the housing minister expressing our grave concerns.’


It was seconded by Councillor P Lees and became the substantive motion.


Councillor D Bigby then moved an amendment to delete the wording added by Councillor M Wyatt as detailed above and to add in the following:


‘Taking full account of the duty to co-operate, North West Leicestershire should resist accepting any increase in its annual housing allocation for the new local plan period above that already agreed through the current statement of common ground – namely 686.’


It was seconded by Councillor J Legrys.


The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised against the amendment as there would be a risk of failing the duty to co-operate requirement.


Councillor D Bigby spoke to his amendment explaining that it was to give a steer to officers and the administration about what the committee wanted and to provide a negotiating tool.  A thorough debate was had by Members both for and against the proposed amendment which culminated in further advise from officers and the legal advisor on the risk of approving the amendment.


At this point procedural advise was sought in relation to voting on the motion and the substantive motion.  Some concern was raised regarding the political nature of the substantive motion in front of Members should the amendment fall.  Therefore, a Member suggested that the item be deferred to allow further information to become available on the housing allocation figures.  Members were advised that as there was a motion currently tabled, that would need to be dealt with first before a deferral could be considered unless both the amendment and the substantive motion were withdrawn.  There was not consent from all parties to withdraw, therefore the chair moved to the vote on the amendment as proposed by Councillor D Bigby.


A recorded vote being requested, the voting was as detailed below.


The amendment was LOST.


The Chair put the substantive motion as proposed by Councillor M Wyatt to the vote.  A recorded vote being requested, the voting was as detailed below.




1)     The comments received in respect of Strategy Policies S1 to S5 be noted.


2)     The proposed changes to the plan objectives as set out in Section 3 of the report and Appendix A be agreed.


3)     The proposed changes to Strategy Policy S1 as set out in Section 4 of this report and Appendix B be agreed.


4)     The proposed changes to Strategy Policy S2 as set out in Section 5 of this report and Appendix C be agreed.


5)     The proposed changes to Strategy Policy S3 as set out in Section 6 of this report and Appendix D be agreed.


6)     The proposed changes to Strategy Policy S4 as set out in Section 7 of this report and Appendix E be agreed.


7)     The proposed changes to Strategy Policy S5 as set out in Section 8 of this report and Appendix F be agreed.


8)     North West Leicestershire District Council condemns the government’s decision to increase the allocation of housing and request the Member of Parliament to make urgent representation to the housing minister expressing our grave concerns.



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