Agenda item
New Local Plan - Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations
- Meeting of Local Plan Committee, Wednesday, 17th January, 2024 6.00 pm (Item 25.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 25.
- View the background to item 25.
The report of the Planning Policy & Land Charges Team Manager
The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager presented the report to Members and referred to the additional papers as circulated. He also provided an update in relation to the removal of the land to the rear of Bardon Road site from the consultation as he had been notified that Leicestershire County Council required it as part of a compulsory purchase order for highway improvements. This would need to be reflected in the recommendations.
In response to a question, it was clarified that it was likely that additional sites would be suggested during the consultation process, and they would need to be assessed, therefore the list in front of Members could change as a result of new sites being preferable or objections in respect of any of the proposed sites.
A Member referred to the amendment that was made at the previous meeting to remove the land at Meadow Lane, Coalville and a discussion was had on replacement sites. It was questioned whether the removal of this site would be rejected at examination. Officers confirmed that this was highly likely, but it was not certain. Concerns were also raised about the land at Broom Leys Farm site which had been put forward for allocation in place of the Meadow Lane site. Members discussed the history of successfully defending this site from development at planning inquiries in the past, to protect the area of separation between Coalville and Whitwick.
Following this discussion, Councillor P Moult moved that the land at Broom Leys Farm site be removed from the proposed housing and employment sites and replaced by the land at Meadow Lane Coalville. It was seconded by Councillor J Legrys.
The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager confirmed that there was still a shortfall in the Coalville area and unless sites came forward the land at Broom Leys Farm may still need to be allocated at some point.
A discussion was had on the reasons behind the removal of the land at Meadow Lane, Coalville site from the allocation list and the importance of listening to the local community. Comments were also made on making this decision on behalf of the entire district and that houses were required across all wards. Further comments were made both in support and against the proposed motion.
Several questions of clarity were put forward by Members and addressed by officers.
The Chair put the motion as detailed above to the vote. A recorded vote having been requested; the voting was as detailed below.
The motion was LOST.
The recommendations as detailed within the report and updated by Officers in relation to the land rear of Bardon Road were moved by Councillor R Morris and seconded by Councillor A Woodman.
The Chair put the motion to the vote. A recorded vote having been requested; the voting was as detailed below.
The motion was CARRIED.
a) The proposed housing and employment sites identified at appendix A, with the exception of site C21 (Rear of Bardon Road) be agreed for the purposes of public consultation.
b) That the boundary of the area of separation be changed to exclude Land at Broom Leys Farm.
Supporting documents:
New Local plan – Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations Local Plan Committee Report, item 25.
PDF 650 KB
Appendix A – Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations, item 25.
Appendix B - Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations, item 25.
PDF 597 KB
Appendix C – Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations, item 25.
PDF 657 KB
Update Sheet, item 25.
PDF 404 KB
Emails from Simon Atha, item 25.
PDF 401 KB
Land at Meadow Lane Whitwick, item 25.