Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

Public Question and Answer Session


Mr Donovan asked the following question:


Is the Council aware of the wide-ranging services provided by Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland across NW Leicestershire and funded from external sources, including the charity's reserves?


·         A 4 day-a-week day centre based in Coalville serving 56 people at an annual cost of £108,000. Serving the needs of people living with dementia, mobility, and personal care needs, mental health and learning disabilities.


·         A neighbourhood mental health cafe in Measham for people aged over 18 (2 days per week). Annual cost of £30,000.


·         A Home Care Service supporting 54 older people - cleaning, meal preparation and companionship.


·         A Dementia Support Service. Between October-December 2023 195 people supported.  Plus, a memory clinic once a month. 31 members with 26 people on the waiting list.


·         An information/advice Service. Between January 2022 and December 2023, the charity supported 1,152 people - benefit claims, benefit checks and general enquiries.


Benefits claimed for older people living across NW Leicestershire amounted to £249,107 during that period – money that would be spent in the local area. 


The Corporate Portfolio Holder provided the following response:


Yes, the Council and Cabinet is aware of the work that Age UK conducts in the district. I’m also aware that the Chief Executive recently met with Mr Donovan to listen to his concerns in response to the budget proposals. The Council has also received written representations from both Mr Donovan and Mr Young, Assistant Director, Age UK, Leicester Shire & Rutland.


The Council is aware of the reserves position of Age UK at both the local and national level. 


At today’s meeting, Cabinet will be considering the budget proposals to recommend to Council next month.  From recent discussions and correspondence referred to above, the Council is aware that the funding provided supports around 40 clients in the district at a cost of £22,000 per year.


The Council is aware of the range of services provided by Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland to support older people, their carers and families, many of which are highlighted in the question from Mr Donovan.  We understand that they are committed to providing much-needed support to older people to help them remain independent in their own homes.


It would be wrong of me to pre-empt that discussion and decision of Cabinet today, but we are fully aware of the work and also the comments made by Age UK to our budget consultation which will be taken into account in coming to our decision today.


As a supplementary question, Mr Donovan said that he had made a promise over thirty years ago, to what was then Age Concern, that services within the district would be maintained and developed, as an indication of the longstanding commitment which Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland had to the district. Were Members aware that the grant provided by the Council served to leverage other investment from Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland into the district?


In response, the Corporate Portfolio Holder emphasised that he was aware of all the good work which Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland did, but advised that the Council was in a position where tough decisions had to be made. However, he noted that this was still only a proposal at this stage, and he suggested that Mr Donovan could write to him detailing the grants which Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland received from other District Councils in Leicestershire, as well as Leicestershire County Council and Leicester City Council. He would assess that information to ascertain the impact which the proposed cut would have, and in light of this information the final proposal might be amended before it was recommended to full Council on 22 February. Nevertheless, as of the moment, it would remain the recommendation of the Cabinet to withdraw the grant.

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