Agenda item
New Local Plan - Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations
- Meeting of Local Plan Committee, Wednesday, 15th November, 2023 6.00 pm (Item 18.)
- View the background to item 18.
Report of the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager
The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager presented the report.
The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager passed over to the Principal Planning Officer to present part of the report.
A Member expressed his opposition to the proposed housing allocation at Meadow Lane due to ecological concerns, the likelihood of increased congestion, and how the development might impact a nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest.
Another Member was concerned with the proposals for the west of Whitwick. He felt the proposed provision of amenities and infrastructure for the size of development was insufficient. He was also concerned about access, and any potential impact on the Area of Separation between Whitwick and Coalville.
The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager agreed that development west of Whitwick would be on a significant scale. However, consultations about the amenities and infrastructure required to support this potential development had not been completed. At this stage the intention is to explore whether this site could be developed out in a comprehensive manner.
A Member asked whether the Freeport and associated infrastructure provision were included as allocations and in response the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager set out their technical and strategic thinking around the freeport within the Local Plan drafting process. He then advised the Member that it was realistic to assume that additional infrastructure would be phased as part of the development.
A Member expressed concern about plans to approve sites which had previously proved unviable; if they once again proved unviable the allocations would have to be redistributed elsewhere throughout the district.
An amendment to the recommendations was proposed by a Member in relation to the removal of the proposal to allocate land at Meadow Lane, Coalville for housing development due to the impact it would have on a nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest, the loss of mature trees and the impact on local roads. The amendment also referred to the need to defer for the moment pending further consideration the allocation at the west of Castle Donington, due to concerns about potential impacts on local heritage sites.
The Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised that the planning grounds to reject development at Meadow Lane were considered to be weak and would possibly be rejected by the Inspector at Examination. Furthermore, if the amendment was approved, a replacement allocation would likely have to be found from within the Area of Separation, most likely at Broom Leys Farm, though this would require further assessment. With regards to the concerns around heritage sites around Castle Donington, the Planning Policy and Land Charges Team Manager advised that some research on this had already been carried out but there was perhaps more to examine if the Committee wished him to do so.
The amended motion was moved by Councillor M Wyatt and seconded by Councillor L Windram.
The Chair requested a recorded vote, as detailed below.
That Meadow Lane be not allocated for housing development because of the impact on the Coalville Meadows Site of Special Scientific Interest, destroying this part of the Charnwood Forest, the loss of mature trees, the impact on local roads, particularly the junction of Meadow Lane and Leicester Road but also the increased risk to children going to and from Castle Rock School.
To replace this site officers are asked to:
1) Investigate the potential for delivering more housing on brownfield sites around Coalville town centre as part of the Council’s Regeneration Strategy.
2) Look again at the potential for allocating land elsewhere in Coalville.
3) Defer consideration of the proposed allocation at West of Castle Donington to enable further consideration to be given to the potential impact on heritage matters.
The Chair advised that this matter would be deferred and officers would come back to the January meeting with revised proposals to take account of the committees’ views.
Supporting documents:
New Local Plan Local Plan Committee Report, item 18.
PDF 632 KB
Appendix A - Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations, item 18.
Appendix B - Proposed Housing and Employment Allocations, item 18.
PDF 597 KB