Agenda item
23/00012/REMM: Erection of 80 dwellings including temporary construction access, parking, pedestrian links and open space to parcel E (reserved matters of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to outline planning permission ref. 13/00956/OUTM)
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 16th August, 2023 6.00 pm (Item 20.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 20.
Land adjacent to Grange Road, Hugglescote, Coalville, Leicestershire
Land adjacent to Grange Road, Hugglescote, Coalville, Leicestershire
Officer’s recommendation: Permit subject to conditions
The Principal Planning Officer presented the report to Members.
Ms D French, objector addressed the Committee. It was felt that the proposals would cause a significant highways impact which would increase traffic, noise, and air pollution and therefore traffic calming measures would be essential, which should be completed as soon as possible. Reference was made to the Masterplan which encouraged pedestrian routes of travel and it was felt the proposal would be dangerous for anyone travelling out of the site other than in a car. Concerns regarding amenities and infrastructure were also shared. A request was made to reposition the proposed pedestrian crossing to enhance visibility and safety for its users.
Ms E Overton, agent, addressed the Committee. It was confirmed that the applicant had worked closely with Planning Officers in developing the scheme and reminded Members that no objections had been received from the Highway Authority or Environmental Protection which confirmed there would be no adverse impact on neighbours in the adjoining development. It was also noted that the application conformed to the outline permission already granted.
Councillor R Johnson, Ward Member, addressed the Committee. He expressed concerns in relation to pedestrian access to the railway line, healthy trees already removed during nesting season, removal of the offer of a pedestrian puffin crossing on a very busy road, and the lack of completion of phase one of the development, cycle paths and footways. He also had concerns with the proposed access from a busy road on which cars often travelled above the speed limit, adding this to the inability cross the road safely, he felt it was ‘an accident waiting to happen’.
The Principal Planning Officer noted the majority highway concerns raised but reminded Members that as the Highway Authority had raised no objections, it would be difficult to refuse on these grounds.
Following a question on process from a Member, the Head of Planning and Infrastructure explained that should the Committee refuse the application on highway grounds, the applicant would have a right of appeal and without sufficient evidence that the access was dangerous it would be difficult for the Council to defend the appeal.
In determining the application Members acknowledged the local highway concerns and expressed their own concerns as several of the Councillors knew the area well. Debate was had on the possible conditions that could be imposed in relation to the pedestrian crossing but following advice from officers it was clear it was not on option as the Highway Authority were unlikely to sanction this. Reference was also made to several policies from the Masterplan and other options available to access the site, officers advised Members to bear in mind the overall balance of material reasons when considering their decision.
Following a lengthy discussion on traffic concerns and options available for Members due to the professional advice already received from the Highway Authority, a Member suggested that the application be deferred so that the Highway Authority could be asked to reconsider its position on the need for a Road Safety Audit to be undertaken on the proposed access road prior to determination of the reserved matters application, and on the suitability of a puffin crossing being installed in this location. This was moved by Councillor R Morris and seconded by Councillor R Blunt.
Prior to the vote being taken, advice was sought that should the application be deferred, would Members be restricted on what they could discuss when the application came back to the Committee. The Legal Advisor confirmed that it would be a full debate by Members.
The Chair put the motion to the vote. A recorded vote being required, the voting was as detailed below.
The application be deferred to allow a Highway Road Safety Audit to be undertaken and to reassess the need for a puffin crossing in relation to the proposed access to the site.
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