Agenda item

Events Update

The report of the Cultural Services Team Manager.


The Cultural Services Team Manager presented the report


Members were updated on the 2022/23 Christmas lights and it was confirmed that a contract had been procured to store, remove and test the lights. It was also noted that two Christmas trees had been ordered this year.


Members were informed that the 26 November 2022 would be the date on which the Christmas in Coalville event is scheduled to take place. It was hoped that Belvoir Shopping Centre, Marlborough Square and Needham’s Walk car park would be the venues for these events, although final confirmation had not yet been received. Events would include a festive trail and also the shop windows competition, which had been very successful in preceding years.                


Officers informed the meeting that the Cinema in the Park event had been incredibly successful, with expenditure less than anticipated and had also attracted more than the expected income. The feedback for this event was overwhelmingly positive and members thanked and congratulated officers for the success of it.


Officers drew member’s attention to the financial requirements, as budget costs for the Coalville Christmas Decoration Programme had increased by £6,000 for the upcoming year. Members questioned whether this would be for the upcoming year alone or if it would also be seen in other, proceeding years. Officers advised that this would be a regular yearly increase and was due to overall price increases and the fact that some stock may fail and require replacement, among other factors.


It was noted that the Coronation of King Charles III on the 6 May would have some impact on costs and members were advised to consider this when considering the 2023/24 budget.


Members queried whether the real trees in Memorial Square and Marlborough Square are covered by the Christmas lights contract.  Officers confirmed that the lights on the trees are covered by the contract and the trees are procured from an additional provider (a tree specialist).


A member enquired whether it would be possible to utilise the clock tower area for Christmas Events and also voiced their support for the suggestion that fireworks should be dropped from the programme of events, stating concerns around costs, the impact on wildlife and on local residents.


A member queried how much of the budget could be saved by opting to not use fireworks and were advised that the cheapest quotation for fireworks had been £1,650 for a 4 to 5 minute display with music and a snow canon.


Members suggested that instead of a fireworks display, a laser lights show and stage flares be used on stage at the opening event, officers advised that this could be problematic as there would be too many restrictions around safety and proximity to audience, and that it would be unlikely that a laser show would be possible this year.


Officers sought to clarify whether members wished to retain the fireworks or would prefer that this be dropped from the programme. Councillor J Legrys formally proposed that the authority did not use fireworks on this occasion. Councillor J Geary seconded this proposal and therefore a motion was carried, with 6 against and 1 for, to remove the fireworks. It was requested that a Cabinet decision be obtained in support of this motion at the upcoming meeting on 8 November.


A member recommended that should laser shows be adopted in favour of fireworks in future years, the authority would need to contact East Midlands Airport to ensure that this would not interfere with flight paths.


By affirmation of the meeting it was




  1. The progress update on 2022/2023 events and budget allocation be noted,
  2. The update for Christmas lights 2022/2023 and the requirement to allocate a further £6,000 to ensure the delivery of the Coalville Christmas Decoration Programme be noted.
  3. A Cabinet decision be obtained in support of the motion not to use fireworks at this year’s events.



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