Agenda item

Agenda item

Public Question and Answer Session

To receive questions from members of the public under rule no.10 of the Council Procedure Rules.



The following questions were submitted to the Committee and responses provided.




‘Do you know there is a nature reserve close to the edge of the proposed c85 site at Donington-le-heath where Barn owls, kingfishers, otters, and migrating birds of prey including osprey use yes or no?’




Yes, we are aware of this.


Kelham Bridge lies under 100m from C85 (at its nearest point, the main body of the site is over 200m).Kelham Bridge is a Local Wildlife Site managed by the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust (LRWT).


The LCC Ecologist was consulted on C85 as a potential development site. They confirmed that C85 itself is not an ecological designation, but it does contain several potential Biodiversity Action Plan habitats: hedges, ponds, a small river, trees and scrub woodland along the former railway to the south. The site is considered to have potential for badgers. There is also potential for aquatic mammals/crayfish along the River Sence and Great Crested Newts just off-site to the north and also within a pond on site. Further survey work would be needed or mitigation or to enter into a Great Crested Newt District Level Licencing Scheme. The site would require a Phase 1 Survey as well as further survey work to assess the ecological potential of the site with respect to badgers, and otter, water vole and crayfish. It was also recommended that hedgerows are retained with a 5m buffer of natural vegetation to the retained hedgerows (outside of gardens). These comments are noted in the SHELAA assessment.


It should be noted that the LCC Ecologist did not comment on the site’s proximity to Kelham Bridge.




‘Is the Local Plan Committee aware of the difficulties and implications of burying the 400kV cables that currently run over C85?’




‘Overhead cables cross the SW corner of C85. This was not flagged as a constraint by the agent. Generally, in such circumstances, a developer may choose not to build on that part of the site and to ensure development is offset by an appropriate and safe distance. They may also opt to place the cables underground, the cost of which will be factored into the developer’s viability assessment of the site.’




‘Will Oak tree Gardens be used to gain access to e85, yes or no?’




Oak Tree Gardens does not adjoin C8. Therefore, a direct access to C85 from Oak Tree Gardens is not possible.




With reference to the potential addition of C85.

‘What is the considered traffic implications for this scheme on surrounding roads. We refer to additional traffic through Ravenstone, Ellistown and along Ashburton Road in particular the Hugest crossroads which are already known to be over capacity’




The Highways Authority was consulted on C85. As SHELAA requires only a red line boundary of the proposed site to be submitted the Highway Authority are only able to provide high level comments on the suitability of the site in terms of potential highway issues that may arise if the site was developed. In this instance the Highways Authority acknowledge that any development proposals in or around Donington-le-Heath are likely to have significant transport impacts on Coalville and the A511 corridor, and as such proportionate contributions should be sought towards emerging transport strategies/scheme packages for these areas to ensure that the cumulative impacts of development on these areas/corridors are addressed.

The Highways Authority also note that the main access routes for traffic to/from the site (including between the site and Coalville town centre) would involve passing through Hugglescote Crossroads and/or the double mini roundabouts in the centre of Ellistown, which are longstanding pinch points on the local highway network.




‘Are you aware that the agricultural land in C85 and E9 is high grade farmland?’




Both the Natural England regional records and the agent state that C85 is Grade 2, thereby comprising Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land.

E9 (and E7) is shown on the Natural England regional records to be Grade 3. The regional records do not distinguish between Grade 3a (BMV) and 3b, so further evidence would be required to ascertain if the site constitutes BMV agricultural land.




‘Considering the Lanes in Donington le Heath are single track with limited footpaths, what are the proposed vehicle access and emergency vehicle access routes for C85?’




At this stage the site is only being promoted for development and there are not any exact details of the proposed vehicular access.




‘Are you aware the primary and secondary school placements within the parish are currently oversubscribed and a number of local children are unable to get into their nearest school?’




Through liaison with the education authority, the Council is aware of ongoing issues. In preparing the Local Plan account will be taken of the impact upon school provision.


For his supplementary question, Mr Rice referred to the fact that officers were already aware of the school placement issues, therefore he asked what urgency would be placed on education and was it going to be prioritised above the building of more homes.


A formal response would be provided to Mr Rice outside of the meeting.


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