Issue > Agenda item

Agenda item

20/00316/OUTM: Demolition of existing structures and the erection of new building to accommodate up to 78,967sqm of storage and distribution (Use Class B8) and ancillary office (Use Class B1) floorspace, with associated infrastructure including access, parking, servicing and landscaping (outline - all matters other than part access reserved)

Land At Netherfields Lane Sawley DE72 2HP


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report to members.


Councillor J McLelland, on behalf of Lockington and Hemington Parish Council, addressed the committee highlighting that there was not an immediate need or demand for more warehouses in the area, the greenspace and character around the two villages was slowly being eroded and they were surrounded by industrial buildings. He noted that, if  there was an urgent need for more employment land, the application before them, due to the location, would not have a significant impact on the villages. He added that should there be a need for any further large scale warehousing for the district, it was felt that this should met in a more appropriate space outside the Parish. 


Mr J Holmes, agent, addressed the committee highlighting that the location of the development would sit within an industrial area, close to the highway network, but would have little impact on the neighbouring villages and that the accompanying documents with the application identified both the need and demand for the warehouses. He noted any concerns raised by statutory consultees during the process had been addressed and there were no objections from them. He advised that the redevelopment of the site would help to prevent the ongoing anti-social behaviour and fly tipping that occurred in the area.


Councillor C Sewell, Ward Member, addressed the committee highlighting a number of areas around the district where empty warehouses were located, that should the application be approved a time limit be set for the development of the site and that the increase in traffic from the site would have a negative impact on Tamworth Road and the residents of Sawley Marina. She sought reassurances that the raised building table would not send flood water to the southern area of the site that was home to many species of wildlife and that area would benefit from mature planting to shield the site. She welcomed the information that CCTV would be positioned on the buildings, that could reduce the antisocial behaviour in the area and that emergency evacuation plans would be provided should the area be subject to flooding.


In determining the application, members felt that the landscaping that would provide a buffer for the site should include mature trees and that a condition should be included to ensure that CCTV cameras were placed on the site in the correct area to assist with ASB prevention, with live monitoring. Some members expressed concerns over the need and demand for warehouses in the district due to the number that were standing empty.


It was noted that should the reserved matters application not be submitted within the timescales, the applicant would need to submit a new outline application and get it approved to enable them to ensure that the site was developed, that officers were satisfied that there was a need for the development and that conditions were included in relation to the size of the buildings.


A motion to permit the application in line with the officer’s recommendation subject to a note to applicant being added in respect of  the condition regarding surrounding landscaping about the requirement for sufficient mature buffer planting, and additional conditions relating to CCTV and providing details of emergency evacuation during flooding events, was moved by Councillor J Bridges and seconded by Councillor J Hoult.


The Chairman put the motion to the vote. A recorded vote being required, the voting was as detailed below.




The application be permitted in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Infrastructure subject to a note to applicant being added to the condition surrounding landscaping about the requirement for sufficient mature buffering, and additional conditions relating to CCTV and providing details of emergency evacuation during flooding events.




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