Agenda item

Capital Projects Update

The report of the Leisure Services Team Manager.


The Leisure Services Team Manager presented the report to members updating on the progress of the current projects.


A member felt that, in relation to Scotlands Bowls Pavilion, due to the rise in inflation, the figures for the installation of solar panels be revisited and the bid for funding from the Bardon Community Grant be increased accordingly, and that in relation to tree planting, the council should submit a request to the Bardon Community Grant for £5k for additional trees that could be planted around the Coalville area.


The Leisure Services Team Manager advised that in relation to the bowls pavilion, he would pass the request on to the property team, who were overseeing the works to see if was feasible, and that if members were all agreeable and were able to advise on potential locations for them, he would facilitate the work around submitting a bid for funding towards additional trees for planting.


In response to a question about Sharpley Avenue Play Area, the Leisure Services Team Manager advised the work would be progressed once the new Parks and Open Spaces Development Officer was in place, but work to understand the Anti-social behaviour at the site would take place and ensure it was incorporated as part of the consultation process.


The Leisure Services Team Manager provided an update on the bench installation in Thringstone and he hoped that it would be installed by the next meeting.


In relation to London Road Cemetery, a member noted that no planning application had been submitted for the work on the wall and wanted an update on the start date of the work and the proposed design.


The Head of Economic Regeneration advised that due to added complications around tree roots undermining the wall, just building a new wall would not erase the issue. He noted that some trees would need to be removed to avoid any future issues and that when the team was in a position to move forward, the planning application would be submitted and an update would be provided to the working group.


A discussion then took place around the removal of the trees if they were still healthy and rather than taking down a healthy tree, considering an alternative fencing option to a brick wall. It was noted that as the new complications had come to light, it was felt that the options for the cemetery wall needed to be revisited. It was therefore agreed that more research needed to be carried out on the trees and what, if any, other damage, such as the to the highway, the trees could cause and a report be brought back to a future meeting with the outcome of the surveys.


A member thanked officers for circulating the survey to residents in relation to the Claremont Drive play area.


It was moved by Councillor J Legrys, seconded by Councillor J Geary and




1)    The progress update on the 2022/23 Capital Projects be noted


2)    A report be brought back to a future meeting of the working party on alternative options in relation to the London Road Cemetery wall following surveys on the trees within the boundary.


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