Agenda item

2021/22 Quarter 4 Performance Report

Report of the Head of Human Resources and Organisation Development


The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development presented the report to Members.


In relation to the Marlborough Square project, some concerns were raised that works had not yet started on the site.  It was noted that contractors had been appointed and several issues were still being resolved with Leicestershire County Council, Members were reassured that work was due to commence soon. 


The accuracy of the footfall figures recorded for Coalville Town Centre were questioned as Members felt the town was much busier than indicated.  The Head of Planning and Regeneration agreed that numbers did seem low compared to how busy the centre could be, particularly at the weekends.  It was explained that these figures had to be used currently as it was the only evidence available from the counting system installed which used mobile phone signals, however as it did not seem accurate, better ways to collect the data moving forward were being investigated. 


A Member questioned the performance of the Customer Services Team as targets were still not being met.  It was noted that a dip in performance was always seen in Quarter 4 as demand was higher due to the annual council tax notification letters sent to every household.  However, it was acknowledged that demand was particularly high this year due to the roll out of the national council tax rebate.  The Strategic Director agreed to provide all available statistics outside of the meeting to allow a full picture of performance and to set up a briefing with the Customer Services Team Manager once the move to the new premises had concluded.


A Member commented on the number of parishes that were undergoing Neighbourhood Plans and asked what was being done to encourage take up from parish councils.  The Head of Planning and Regeneration explained that the figure within the report was an annual figure for completed neighbourhood plans and confirmed there were several parish councils currently going through the process that were not indicated.  Members were assured that parish clerks were contacted regularly, and support offered.  It was agreed for further information to be provided outside of the meeting.


In reference to the success in setting up customer online accounts and the use of online forms, some concern was raised that there were not adequate systems in place to deal with the receipt of online forms.  This was due to a personal experience of a Member and The Head of Community Services agreed to take this up outside of the meeting.


In response to a request for an update on the current position for the Ashby Tourist Information Centre, the Head of Property and Regeneration explained that progress was being made as part of the Ashby BID and a full update will be provided to Members in due course.


It was moved by Councillor E Allman, seconded by Councillor A Bridgen and




The report be noted and comments made be presented to Cabinet when considering the report at its meeting on 19 July 2022.



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