Agenda item

Agenda item

Affordable Housing

Report of the Director of Services


The Director of Services presented the report to Members.


He informed Members that there was a need for a policy to be set that would address the need for affordable housing within the district. He advised Members that paragraph 2.2 of the report could be used as a starting point and that the report gave Members an opportunity to discuss and debate what the policy would include.


Councillor D De Lacy stated that it was an interesting report and nobody would disagree that there needed to be a policy. He commented on the need for 1 bedroom properties and that if the Council agreed on 60% the developers would not like the nature of the houses. He felt that the amount would need to be fixed so that the monies from contributions could be used for other services.


Councillor J Bridges stated that he agreed with Councillor D De Lacy however he was nervous about fixing a delivery of 60% as not everywhere required that level. He highlighted that more two bed homes were required due to higher levels in assisted living. He informed Members that there were a lot of issues to consider and that they would try to agree to fix something.


Councillor R D Bayliss agreed with the views of officers and felt that it should be a flexible figure. He also stated that as outlined? in the report there were other ways of providing affordable homes.


Councillor J Legrys stated that he disagreed with Councillor R D Bayliss and felt that the figure should be fixed and stuck to. He concurred that more two bed homes were required to address the need for care, but also stated that there was a need for more bungalows within the Local Plan. He stated that the authority needed to be open and honest over the number of houses that were to be built, highlighting that with the 12,000 houses that had previously been discussed and a further 3,000 social houses the total figure was slowly rising. He expressed disappointment that social housing was dismissed as it appeared homes were being built for commuters rather than local people. He agreed that there needed to be a policy, but what the policy contained was a matter for debate.


Councillor S Sheahan stated that developers would only be interested in buyers that could afford their houses. He added that there needed to be a balance between private and public sector homes provided which should be included, but highlighted that it would be hard to enforce.


Councillor J Bridges agreed that the approach should be that of working together. He added that there was nothing wrong with trade-offs between public and private sectors.


Councillor S Sheahan added that Members could not rely on developers and that local authorities and Social Landlords needed to provide affordable housing.


Councillor C Large raised a concern that at the beginning of the report it stated that 60% housing was required and further into the report it stated that the target would be significantly less than 60% which could lead to repercussions and looking like the council was underperforming.


The Planning Policy Team Manager advised Members that the SHMA identified the need but 60% could not be justified so Members would be looking at a figure between 1 and 60% and this would then be tested as part of the viability test.


The Director of Services informed Members that 60% would not be achieved so the council would need to look at what could be achieved.


Councillor R D Bayliss stated that a generation ago all houses were affordable to all but due to economic challenges this had changed.


Councillor D De Lacy reiterated that it should be a fixed flat rate and that it should be stuck to.


The Planning Policy Team Manager advised Members that it was not flexible, but variable, however there would always be some negotiation on the numbers on sites.


Councillor V Richichi stated that the Council could not make decisions that could not be carried through. He added that if developers were forced into limits they would look to move to other districts that did not set numbers.


By affirmation of the meeting it was




The Advisory Committee:


1.    Notes the need to include a policy in the Local Plan in respect of Affordable Housing;

2.    Notes and comments on the possible contents of such a policy as outlined in the report and

3.    Requests a further report be brought back to the Advisory Committee for consideration.

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