Agenda item

Agenda item

14/00614/OUTM: Development of up to 180 dwellings, including a retail unit, access and associated infra-structure (outline - all matters reserved apart from part access)

Land South Of Greenhill Road Coalville Leicestershire 


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report to Members.


Councillor M B Wyatt, Ward Member, addressed the meeting. He stated that he had supported local residents in protecting the Countryside and the site was classed as an area of natural beauty. He advised Members that residents already had concerns over the 79 houses that had been permitted opposite the site and the increase in traffic. He highlighted that there was a potential flood risk near the site and that no public consultation had really taken place. He asked Members to note the developer was not a local organisation and that the development would be detrimental to the community and wildlife.


Having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the item Councillor M B Wyatt left the meeting on the conclusion of his statement.


Councillor N Clarke, Ward Member, addressed the meeting. He stated that he was not impressed with the lack of commitment from the developer to address the issues that had been raised over the application and that they had asked for more time to do so. He urged Members to use their treasured possession, their vote, to say no to an application outside the limits to development, to further destruction of countryside, to further flooding and to keep valuable farmland. He asked Members to refuse the application.


Mr J Ball, objector, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he was speaking on behalf of 555 objectors. He stated that the site was part of the Charnwood Forest, linked to Sites of Special Scientific Interest and was outside the limits to development. He raised concerns over the level of traffic that would be using Greenhill Road especially after the recent approval of the site opposite. He stated that there was no need for further houses in the area and that the retail unit would encourage anti-social behaviour and littering. He urged Members to support the officer’s recommendation.


Ms J Tebbatt, objector, addressed the meeting. She advised Members that it was inappropriate to build on a green field site that was part of the National Forest. She stated that the application was outside the limits to development, was unsustainable and would have a detrimental impact on the community. She highlighted that there was no need for further development as the town centre continued to decline, there was insufficient jobs and Greenhill Road could not cope with the current level of traffic. She urged Members to refuse the application.


Mr P Lewis, supporter, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that he represented a number of community groups within the area and they had canvassed their members. He stated that out of 1,500 members most were in support of the application as they felt that the investment was much needed in the area. He informed Members that more shops were closing and that there was a high unemployment rate for the town. He urged Members not to consider the application as bad and that there was support for the development.


Mr K Whitmore, agent, addressed the meeting. He advised Members that the application was to build 180 new homes which would be a critical development for the area and that this should not be overlooked. He highlighted that there had been support from residents who had not been able to find the right home close to family. He informed Members that the site would be sustainable and they had addressed many issues and given time could resolve all. He urged Members to defer the application to allow further time.


Councillor M Specht thanked the Officers for their excellent report.


It was moved by Councillor M Specht, seconded by Councillor J Legrys and




The application be refused in accordance with the recommendation of the Director of Services, with the exception being that Reason 5 be deleted from the reasons for refusal.


Councillor M B Wyatt returned to the meeting.



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