Meeting documentation > Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Coalville

Contact: Democratic Services  Licensing Enforcement Officer (01530 454596)

No. Item


Election of Chairman


It was moved by Councillor N Smith, seconded by Councillor G Hoult and




Councillor T Eynon take the chair for the remainder of the meeting.



Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence received.



Declaration of Interests

Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring disclosable interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is pecuniary or non-pecuniary.


Councillor N Smith declared a non-pecuniary interest as he occasionally attended resident meetings held at Cattows Farm which his wife chaired.  He also declared that the matter was considered at Packington Parish Council but he left the meeting and did not take part in any of the discussion.



Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 72 KB

PREMISES:   Cattows Farm, Normanton Lane, Heather, Coalville, Leicestershire


APPLICANT:Mr James Ludlam


To determine an application for a variation of a premises licence in respect of the above.


Representations have been received from 10 interested parties.  A Notice of Hearing inviting them to attend has been sent to each of them.  If they fail to attend, the hearing can be held in their absence or adjourned.


The following documents are attached: -


a)    Report of the Licensing Enforcement Officer


At the beginning of the Hearing, the authority shall explain to the parties the procedure it is proposed to follow. The Hearing shall take the form of a discussion led by the authority and cross-examination shall not be permitted unless it is required to consider the representations.

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced the parties and outlined the procedure to be followed.


The Hearing Regulations 2005 stated that the Authority must allow parties an equal period of time in which to present their evidence.  It was agreed that the maximum time limit for each presentation be ten minutes.


The Licensing Enforcement Officer presented the report to Members, highlighting background information and representations received.


At the request of Councillor N Smith, the Licensing Enforcement Officer clarified that there had been no response at all received from any of the responsible authorities.


In response to a question from Mr P Bailey, interested party, the Licensing Enforcement Officer confirmed that the responsible authorities were individually informed of the receipt of the application in accordance with the application process.  The Licensing Team Leader added that the responsible authorities were also contacted weekly by the Licensing Team with regards to new applications and therefore in his opinion, there was no doubt that they were aware of the application.


Mr J Ludlam, applicant, addressed the Sub Committee.  He informed Members that events had been held on the site since 2010, all of which had been safe and compliant thanks to the close working relationship had with all responsible authorities throughout the year.  This included the successful Ashby Show which attracted higher numbers and did not utilise the existing premises licence as the sale of alcohol was operated under temporary event notices.It was for this reason that he believed an increase in capacity was acceptable.  He concluded that currently there was only one event during the summer which the event organisers believed would be suitable for an increase in capacity.


In response to a question from Councillor N Smith, the applicant stated that the only event currently intended for the increase in capacity was the 80’s/90’s event held on the first weekend in August.  The initial discussions on the capacity for the event was approximately 7,500, hence the application being considered by Members.


In response to a question from Councillor T Eynon, the applicant confirmed that the licence currently permitted 20 large scale events per year but due to the required maintenance of the land, only one large scale event was held each summer.  Councillor T Eynon asked if it was likely for the number of smaller events to increase in the future.  Mr J Ludlam responded that it was difficult to forecast too far ahead as each year could bring different opportunities.


In response to a question regarding traffic plans from Councillor G Hoult, the applicant introduced Mr B Goodwin who was part of the traffic management team to address the concerns.  He explained that assessments indicated that there was not a peak arrival time on the Friday as traffic arrived over a number of hours.  He also explained that during the Ashby Show, additional lanes were provided on site to ease the traffic flow on the highway which was very successful.  Councillor G Hoult commented that she had sat in Ashby Show traffic a number  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.