Venue: Forest Room, Stenson House, London Road, Coalville, LE67 3FN
Contact: Democratic Services 01530 454512
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Barker.
Declaration of Interests Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest, registerable interest or other interest
Minutes: There were no interests declared.
Chair’s Announcements Minutes: The Chair drew Members attention to the commemorative candle burning in the centre of the Council Chamber to mark the recent Holocaust Memorial Day held on 27 January. Members were invited to join the Chair in standing and observing a one minute silence to remember all those who lost their lives during the Holocaust under Nazi Persecution and in the genocides which followed.
The Chair announced the death of ex councillor and former Chairman of the Council, Derek Howe who passed away earlier in the month. He had served as a Labour Councillor for the former Whitwick Ward for 42 years. Several Members took the opportunity to say a few words in memory of Derek and spoke of his hard work and professionalism as a councillor. It was suggested and agreed that the plaque displayed at the old Council Offices in honour of the opening of the building by Derek when he was Chairman of the Council be presented to his family.
The Chair referred to the Remembrance Sunday Service last November and was pleased with the large attendance from all generations which was good to see.
The Chair reported on the Christmas shop front competition in Coalville and the high number of entries this year. Following conversations with the traders it was clear that they were enthusiastic about improving footfall in the town and the regeneration of the area was going well.
Under the Chair’s initiative to celebrate the success of staff, he announced that he had recently presented the Chair’s award to Karl Bassett who worked in the Economic Development Team.
The Chair informed Members of the annual Staff Star Awards held before Christmas to recognise staff achievements during the year. He announced that the Chair’s award was this year presented to Clare Hammond, Democratic Services Team Manager.
Finally, the Chair announced the annual charity dinner event on 15 March 2024 and invited all to attend. He reported that it had been a very successful year of fundraising, and he would announce the amount raised so far at the next meeting.
Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Announcements Members are reminded that under paragraph 11.1 of part 3 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members without notice about any matter contained in any address. Questions shall be limited to five minutes in total for each announcement. Minutes: Councillor R Blunt, Leader of the Council, referred to the recent storms which had caused flooding issues in the District and highlighted the organisations working hard with the Council to support the residents affected. He emphasised the significance of the Council being aware of which houses had experienced flooding. This awareness enabled the Council to provide support and develop plans for future actions. It was reported that a debrief was planned to review what could be learnt following the recent storms. Members were urged to encourage residents to report to the Council if they have experienced flooding.
Councillor R Blunt also reported on the ongoing consultations, cross party discussions and public engagement on the draft budget proposals. He thanked people and organisations that had provided comments so far. It was confirmed that Cabinet would be considering the proposals the following evening.
Finally, Councillor R Blunt announced that further work would be undertaken to review the available options to improve the leisure provision in Ashby to ensure good facilities in the future.
Councillor A C Saffell, Planning Portfolio Holder, announced that the Council had successfully bid and received over £96,000 in government skills funding for the Planning and Development Team. This would enable an increase in skills in the team through six months of intensive support in the Urban Design Service, Conservation Service and validation process for planning applications creating a new technical support team.
Following a question from a Member, Councillor A C Saffell explained that the funding was not being used for the Planning Enforcement Team at this time as the team has recently been increased and a very experienced new team leader was now in post.
Councillor M B Wyatt, Community and Climate Change Portfolio Holder, announced the news that Hermitage FM and community café would be closing. He thanked Jon and Jan Sketchley for their hard work and dedication over the last 17 years in providing the community with the radio station and café and wished them a happy retirement. Several Members added their thanks for the service provided over the years and it was agreed to send a formal letter of thanks in recognition of their contribution to the community on behalf of the Council. Councillor R Blunt hoped that someone would take the opportunity to keep the service running and would provide support where possible. |
Question and Answer Session To receive questions from members of the public under procedure rule no.10. The procedure rule provides that members of the public may ask members of the Cabinet any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services. Minutes: There were no questions received.
Questions from Councillors PDF 83 KB To receive members’ questions under procedure rule no.11. The procedure rule provides that any member may ask the Chairman of a board or group any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: There were four questions asked which are set out below with the responses. Each Member who asked a question was invited by the Chair to ask one supplementary question which is also set out together with the response.
Question from Councillor J Legrys
‘Can the Portfolio Holder please inform me how much is it costing per month, to keep the old council offices since closure, secure, heated/ventilated and continue to enable staff access to items remaining in the building please?’
Response from Councillor A Woodman
‘The Council continues to make low level use of the former Council Offices building such as to accommodate the town CCTV Server equipment. These systems are slowly being disentangled from the building and relocated. Much has now been completed to reduce holding costs. The current cost of retaining this building and the site it sits on is approx. £11k per month.’
Supplementary question and response
Councillor J Legrys shared his disappointment at the activity still occurring in the building and that demolition had not moved any further forward. He asked for the current timeline for the building. Councillor A Woodman stated that he would keep track of the progress and keep Members updated on the matter.
Question from Councillor P Moult
‘How much has the Council spent on defending the `Area of Separation between Whitwick and Coalville, including officer resources, appeals, and the high court judgement plus the cost of the five-day judicial review, which supported it`s retention recognising it`s importance?’
Response from Councillor K Merrie
‘There have been two applications in the area of separation that have successfully been defended at appeal by the Council. The Stephenson’s Green proposal was also successfully defended at judicial review. The legal cost of defending the Stephenson’s Green proposal (Application No.10/01208/OUTM) was £33,433. (Note: made up of external legal fees - £31,600 and internal officer time - £1,833).
The legal cost of defending the Jelson’s proposal on land to the rear of Hall Lane (Application No. 14/00800OUTM) was £15,506. (Note: made up of external legal fees - £12,075 and internal officer time – £3,431).
I am unable to advise what the cost of the planning officer resource in dealing with these applications was, but those costs would have generally been covered by the fees received for the planning applications.
I would also advise members that the land at Broom Leys Farm, agreed as a site allocation for the purposes of the Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation at Local Plan Committee on 17 January, was not part of the either the Stephenson Green and Jelson’s proposals successfully defended by the Council.’
Supplementary question and response
Councillor P Moult reported that the Whitwick Action Group did not recognise the figures presented by the Portfolio Holder and asked why there was a discrepancy. Councillor K Merrie asked for the Whitwick Action Group’s figures so that he could discuss the matter with officers. A response would be provided to Councillor P Moult outside of the meeting.
Question from Councillor T ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
Motions To consider any motions on notice under procedure rule no. 12. Minutes: No motions were received.
Petitions To receive petitions in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme. Minutes: No petitions were received.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14 November 2023. Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2023.
It was moved by Councillor R Morris, seconded by Councillor K Horn and
The minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2023 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
Electoral Boundary Review - Council Size Submission PDF 248 KB Report of the Chief Executive.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, presented the report and highlighted the process currently being undertaken as part of phase one of the review process. As the recommendations within the report asked for a preference on the issue of single member wards, Councillor K Merrie moved the following:
1) That the council size submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England on the future size of the Council as detailed at appendix three be approved.
2) That the Local Government Boundary Commission for England be informed that Council’s preference is for the review to be conducted based on single member wards.
It was seconded by Councillor A Woodman.
Due to the separate issues of the two recommendations, Members agreed to debate and vote on each recommendation in turn.
The Chair opened the debate on recommendation one.
Councillor D Bigby referred Members to the additional papers in which summary information and an alternative recommendation for an increase in council size to 39 Councillors was provided as submitted by the Labour Group. This explained the position of the Labour Group on the matter and the recommendation that would be proposed should the current motion be lost.
A full discussion ensued in which Members spoke both in support and against the council size preferences as detailed within the report and additional papers.
The Chair put recommendation one as moved and seconded to the vote.
The motion was CARRIED.
1) The council size submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England on the future size of the Council as detailed at appendix three be approved.
The Chair then opened the debate on recommendation two.
Several concerns in relation to single member wards were shared including the perceived split in communities due to boundary lines and less choice for the residents. Some Members felt that the multi member ward approach meant that bigger areas were easier to manage with better support for each other with case work when needed. However, some Members felt that single member wards were less confusing for residents and meant that a smaller ‘patch’ led to a better relationship with the community and more accountability for the individual Ward Member. Further discussions ensued both in support and against single member wards.
The Chair put recommendation two as moved and seconded to the vote.
The motion was CARRIED.
2) The Local Government Boundary Commission for England be informed that Council’s preference is for the review to be conducted based on single member wards. |
Treasury Management Half-Yearly Report 2023/24 PDF 289 KB Report of the Strategic Director (Resources). Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor N J Rushton, Corporate Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor T Gillard.
RESOLVED THAT: 1) The Treasury Management Half-Yearly Activity report 2023-24 be noted. 2) The Prudential Indicators Half-Yearly Update 2023-24 be noted. |
Appointments to Community Bodies PDF 221 KB Report of the Chief Executive. Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by R Blunt.
1) Councillor R Sutton be appointed to serve as the Council’s representative on the East Midlands Airport Independent Consultative Committee.
2) That Councillor N J Rushton be appointed as a substitute on the East Midlands Airport Independent Consultative Committee.
Urgent Decisions Taken By Cabinet PDF 219 KB Report of the Chief Executive. Minutes: Councillor R Bunt, Leader of the Council, presented the report and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor A Woodman.
The report be noted.