Agenda and minutes
Venue: Forest Room, Stenson House, London Road, Coalville, LE67 3FN
Contact: Democratic Services 01530 454512
No. | Item | ||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declaration of Interests Under the Code of Conduct members are reminded that in declaring interests you should make clear the nature of that interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest, registerable interest or other interest
Minutes: The following Members declared an interest in item 7 – Motions, as they were in receipt of the winter fuel allowance:
Councillors M Ball, A Barker, D Bigby, D Cooper, D Everitt, J Geary, R Johnson, J Legrys, R Morris, E Parle, G Rogers, N Rushton, A Saffell, C Sewell, J Simmons, N Smith, R Sutton and A Wilson. |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The Chair announced the recent passing of Ron Adams who was a Labour district councillor for the Greenhill and Broom Leys Wards between 2011 and 2019. The Chair invited Members to join him in a minute silence in his memory.
The celebration events for the 50-year anniversary of North West Leicestershire District Council had now commenced including:
- The Chair thanked the Members that had submitted nominations for the Legacy Award, it was noted that shortlisting would be taking place in the coming months and all nominees would be invited to the thank you event in February. - Officers have been capturing video footage of people and organisations across the district to talk about their impact over the last 50 years. They would be premiered at the thank you event. - Officers have been asked to volunteer their own time to raise funds for good causes. The final amount raised will be announced at the thank you event.
Other achievements to celebrate in the 50th year was the completion of Kegworth Market Place and the opening of Marlborough Square, the restoration of the mother and child statue in Belvoir Shopping Centre and a time capsule placed to mark the 125th anniversary of Coalville Park. Still to come was the improvement works to Moira Furnace and Hermitage Recreation Ground, the creation of a new 3G sports provision in Castle Donington and a new volunteer centre within the National Forest. The Council had also awarded over £250,000 of community grants through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and nearly £500,000 of capital grants to rural businesses though the Rural England Prosperity Fund. |
Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Announcements Members are reminded that under paragraph 11.1 of part 3 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members without notice about any matter contained in any address. Questions shall be limited to five minutes in total for each announcement. Minutes: Councillor R Blunt, the Leader of the Council made the following announcements:
Following the General Election, he was looking forward to creating a positive relationship with North West Leicestershire’s two Members of Parliament and to work together for the good of the people in the District.
It was announced that the Boundary Commission had revised the proposed new ward boundaries following the work undertaken by officers and Members earlier in the year, it was noted that it was now out for public consultation for a period of 10 weeks. The Leader of the Council explained that the working group would be called to consider the Council’s response and Members were also encouraged to submit an individual response should they wish to. A further report would be considered by Council at its next meeting in November.
Further to the Corporate Peer Review conducted earlier in the year, the Leader of the Council thanked officers, Members and partners that took part in intensive interviews as part of the process. It was noted that the final report with recommendations was expected soon, after which plans and actions would be put in place to make improvements. A report would be taken to Scrutiny and Council in the coming months.
Councillor M Wyatt, Community Services and Climate Change Portfolio Holder updated Members following the launch of the Community Lottery. It was noted that it was on target to raise £50,000 this financial year to good local causes. |
Question and Answer Session To receive questions from members of the public under procedure rule no.10. The procedure rule provides that members of the public may ask members of the Cabinet any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services. Minutes: There were no questions received.
Questions from Councillors To receive members’ questions under procedure rule no.11. The procedure rule provides that any member may ask the Chairman of a board or group any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Support Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: There were 10 questions asked which are set out below together with the responses. Each Member who asked a question was invited by the Chair to ask a supplementary question which is also set out together with the response.
Question from Councillor N Smith
“I am disappointed that the recent decisions made by the Labour Government as stated by Deputy Prime Minister to amend the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) will increasing house building figures across NWL.
Our Local Plan review house building figures have gone from a starting point of 357 houses per year to 621 per year as discussed at the last local plan committee. This does not take in to account any extra houses from the Labour Leicester City Council’s unmet needs which the Council may need to provide for. We could also potentially see an increase in solar panel farms and wind turbine numbers across NWL and this is not what the residents want.
This change in the NPPF appears to be punishing those Councils who have met their previous Local Plan requirements whilst rewarding those who have failed. Can I ask what actions the portfolio holder and the council intend to take.”
Response from Councillor K Merrie
“Members will be aware that the matter raised by Cllr Smith was fully debated at Local Plan Committee on 14th August last month. At the meeting, a number of members expressed concern about the potential increase in the numbers of houses that this Council would have to provide for per year under the government’s new standard method.
At the meeting, the officer report advised to continue to plan for now for 686 dwellings each year, and a minimum of 13,720 dwellings over the plan period of 2020-2040 as set out in the Statement of Common Ground for the Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area agreed in June 2022, but that the matter would be kept under review.
However, Members also resolved that North West Leicestershire District Council condemns the government’s decision to increase the allocation of housing and request the Member of Parliament to make urgent representation to the housing minister expressing our grave concerns. As such, a letter on behalf of the committee, has now been sent to the MPs representing North West Leicestershire residents requesting that they make representations to the government expressing their grave concerns about the significant impacts that this level of growth would have on our local communities.
I’m aware that the Chancellor announced that footnotes 57 and 58 to paragraph 163 of the existing NPPF, which placed additional tests on onshore wind schemes, including demonstrating proven community support, would no longer apply to decisions. The government is of the view that in effect, this created a very high bar for consent to be granted and led to very significant under-delivery of onshore wind schemes. This may result in some proposals in NWL which, if acceptable in planning terms, could help with the climate emergency. However, if the Council ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
Motions To consider the following motion received from Councillor M B Wyatt:
Winter fuel motion
Council notes the recent announcement by the Labour Government to end universal winter fuel payments and restrict eligibility to only those in receipt of Pension Credits and other benefits.
Though many agree that universal Winter Fuel Payments are not necessary, Council is deeply concerned that many pensioners on lower and middle incomes will now not receive the payments. Across England and Wales the number of people eligible for winter fuel payments will fall by 10 million (from 11.4 million to only 1.5 million).
In North West Leicestershire, according to the local press, the number of pensioners affected by the change in eligibility criteria means 18,485 fewer payments, from 20,064 down to 1,579 - a reduction of 92.1 per cent.
Council believes that the Labour Government has set the threshold at which pensioners do not qualify for Winter Fuel Payments far too low.
Only those receiving a pension of less than £218.15 a week (or £332.95 a week for couples) are eligible for pension credits. This is significantly lower than the living wage rate.
Council is also concerned by the low take up of pension credit with only 63% of those eligible nationwide receiving them – and over 880,000 pensioners not doing so. Council recognises the role we have to play to increase awareness of benefits such as Pension Credit to ensure people are aware of the support they are entitled to. I understand that the Chief Executive has already convened a meeting of relevant officers to discuss how we encourage the uptake of pension credits and I would encourage all councillors to use their networks to raise awareness.
Council further notes that the Energy Price Cap is due to rise by 10% in October, which combined by the removal of Winter Fuel Payments will push thousands of local pensioners into fuel poverty.
Council resolves to:
Minutes: The Chair referred Members to the motion as detailed within the agenda papers and invited Councillor M Wyatt, who made the submission, to speak.
Councillor M Wyatt spoke to and then formally moved the motion. It was seconded by Councillor A Woodman.
A discussion ensued in which Members spoke both in support and against the motion.
A recorded vote being requested, the voting was as detailed below.
The motion was put to the vote and was CARRIED.
1) The Chief Executive be instructed to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the policy on linking winter fuel payments and pension credit receipt to be immediately paused and introduce a new threshold to determine eligibility for winter fuel payments. Further, request the Chief Executive to write to all Members of Parliament covering North West Leicestershire asking them to give their formal support to halting the changes to the winter fuel payment eligibility.
2) A request be made to all group leaders within North West Leicestershire District Council to sign a joint letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the new winter fuel payment policy to be suspended and reviewed.
3) The Council urgently commence a significant awareness campaign to encourage the uptake of pension credits.
Petitions To receive petitions in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme. Minutes: No petitions were received.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18 June 2024 Minutes: Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024.
It was moved by Councillor K Horn, seconded by Councillor R Morris and
The minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024 be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Capital Programme Update Report Report of the Strategic Director (Resources) Minutes: Councillor N Rushton, as Corporate Portfolio Holder, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor K Merrie.
1) The Supplementary Estimates detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report which are above £250,000 and are externally funded be approved.
2) The new Capital Schemes as set out in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 of the report be approved. |
Scrutiny Annual Report 2023/24 Report of the Scrutiny Committee Chairs Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor K Merrie, as Infrastructure Portfolio Holder, introduced the report to Members and moved the recommendations. Councillor T Eynon was invited to present the report as Community Scrutiny Committee Chair and then she seconded the recommendations.
During discussion, Members spoke about the improvements made to the scrutiny function and the success it was now having. Members of the committees and the officers who supported them were thanked for the work undertaken in the past 12 months.
The Annual Scrutiny Report for 2023/24 be received and noted.
Councillor M French left the meeting at the conclusion of the item. |
Appointments to Committees Report of the Head of Legal and Support Services and Monitoring Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor T Gillard, as Group Whip, presented the report to Members and moved the recommendations. It was seconded by Councillor J Legrys.
Councillor R Johnson be appointed to the vacant seat on the Audit and Governance Committee for the remainder of the 2024/25 civic year. |
Councillor M French left the meeting at 7.28pm |