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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Coalville

Contact: Democratic Services  01530 454512


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors N Rushton and N Smith.


It was noted that Councillor Smith was undergoing tests in hospital and the Chairman asked that a card expressing the Council’s good wishes be sent to Councillor Smith on his behalf.



Declaration of Interests

Members are reminded that any declaration of interest should be made having regard to the code of conduct.  In particular, members must make clear the nature of the interest and whether it is 'pecuniary' or ‘non pecuniary'.


There were no interests declared.



Introduction to the Police and Crime Commissioner pdf icon PDF 360 KB

To welcome the newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner and to ask questions about issues related to the district.


Rupert Matthews, Leicestershire Police and Crime Commissioner was welcomed to the meeting.


The Chairman thanked those members who had submitted questions to the Commissioner in advance of the meeting and advised that these had been set out in the additional papers.


The Commissioner explained that his role was to hold the Chief Constable to account and to ensure that, when making decisions, the views of the public were taken into account. He then went on to respond to each of the questions and highlighted issues around the pressures faced by the police and the contents of the Police and Crime Plan, particularly around resources related to speeding issues and measures to increase police visibility. He advised that he had requested a report from the Chief Constable on recruitment and retention which would include a breakdown of ethnicity, age, gender and disability status. He advised that he would make a copy of this report available in due course. He also advised that he would provide a copy of a report he had requested on the statistics relating to the number of reported cases of spiked drink related crimes.


The Commissioner spoke about the procurement policy and how he would try to influence this with a view to ensuring that best value for money is being achieved and that the goods ordered were sustainable, an example being vehicles using green energy. He reported on a new initiative which he was introducing when dealing with any office which receives funds from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, whether it be through contract, commission or grant.


The Commissioner also reported on the role of the Police and Crime Panel and how it scrutinises the role of the PCC. There is the ability at this meeting for questions to be asked by members of the public and if any councillor has any specific questions or concerns about how he is running his office, then they are welcome to raise this at a future meeting of the Panel.


The Chairman handed over to Councillor A Woodman as Chair of the Community Safety Partnership which works closely with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in delivering the priorities within North West Leicestershire. He advised that he had met with the Commissioner on a number of occasions and he had helped to support the district in terms of its Safer Streets funding for increased CCTV in Castle Donington; a Peoples’ Zone, which is due to be confirmed at the next meeting of the Community Safety Partnership; the Rural Crime event held in Packington; and he will also be attending the next meeting of the Community Safety Partnership, which is the first time a PCC had undertaken to do this.


Councillor Woodman thanked the Commissioner for the work he had done for the district to date and for taking time out to attend tonight’s meeting to answer Members’ questions.



Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman invited Councillor R Boam, Deputy Chairman to provide an update on the events he had attended since the last meeting. Councillor Boam advised that he had enjoyed a visit to the Castle Donington Wakes and he had laid a wreath at the Memorial for the Famous Fifty.


The Chairman gave an emotional and impassioned speech on the story behind the Unknown Soldier in remembrance of all the service men and women who never returned. He advised that he felt honoured to have supported the Royal British Legion at the recent Remembrance events in their valiant attempt to guarantee the memories of those who fought and died in the War.



Leader's and Portfolio Holders' Announcements

Members are reminded that under paragraph 11.1 of part 4 of the Constitution, questions can be asked of the Leader and Cabinet Members without notice about any matter contained in any address.  Questions shall be limited to five minutes in total for each announcement.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R Blunt, announced that Newmarket had been successfully launched in early September to great reviews. Trading days are currently Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. He advised that responses from traders had been positive and that both permanent and pop-up food vendors occupied the catering units. As well as the food offer, Newmarket provided customers with a diverse range of products for sale including sweets, dried groceries, shoes, clothing, beauty products, jewellery and craft stalls. He added that enrolment days would be held by Stephenson College in November and a range of activities would be taking place over Christmas with a Santa’s grotto, activities for children, craft workshops and late night shopping with live music. A programme of activities would be taking place in the period after Christmas.?


The Leader was pleased to announce the progress being made to deliver Marlborough Square.  He reported that work was being undertaken by Severn Trent Water who had recently completed repair work for a collapsed sewer which was needed before work could be commenced. In the knowledge that these underground works have now been completed, officers have moved forward to put the contract out to contractors. To speed up the process, a two stage tender approach is being used.  Stage One prices were returned on 5 November and were currently being analysed with the intention of selecting a preferred contractor, who would then be asked to submit their final full price for the works. It was anticipated that Cabinet would receive a report from officers in early February to confirm the contractor’s appointment. If all went according to plan, the council should see this key project delivered during 2022.


The Leader turned to the less positive news that the Central Government had missed the opportunity to invest in the future of Coalville through the Levelling Up Fund and no grant support was included in the spending review announcement for the Coalville Lyceum bid. He added that it was a collaborative submission with the Belvoir Shopping Centre and Stephenson College and was undertaken on the basis of “nothing ventured, nothing gained” and believed it was the strongest possible proposal for a community building which would have accommodated a new cinema for the town. However, this enabled the Council to turn its attention back to its original plans for a cinema. Officers had already identified alternative ways in which the project could be brought forward and he hoped to be in a position to update Members in due course.


As his final announcement, the Leader was pleased to advise that the accommodation programme continued to move at pace.  It was anticipated that Stenson House would be renovated by September next year, the back-office staff would be moved to Whitwick Business centre in July and the new Customer Service Centre would be opened in May. He advised that he was aware that owners of the Belvoir Centre had recently terminated a lease with a tenant who was on a rolling one-month  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Question and Answer Session

To receive questions from members of the public under procedure rule no.10.  The procedure rule provides that members of the public may ask members of the Cabinet any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Commercial Services.


There were no questions received.



Questions from Councillors pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To receive members’ questions under procedure rule no.11.  The procedure rule provides that any member may ask the Chairman of a board or group any question on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties which affect the District, provided that three clear days’ notice in writing has been given to the Head of Legal and Commercial Services.

Additional documents:


A number of questions were received.


The first question was from Councillor J Legrys and was addressed to Councillor A Woodman which read


“I have been contacted by residents who are concerned about foul water being discharged by Severn Trent Water during storms into their local watercourse. Can the Portfolio Holder please inform me


1.    of the location of each discharge foul water point throughout North West Leicestershire

2.    of the water quality results in our watercourses, as measured by this Council’s Environmental Health Team, particularly during storms

3.    if the regular discharge of untreated foul water is affecting the Environmental Protection Orders for the Mease Catchment Zone

4.    of the measures being put in place, as part of the Local Plan Review, to stop fouled storm water entering watercourses”


A written response was provided by Councillor A Woodman which read


I fully understand residents’ concerns about the watercourses in the district and potential foul water discharges but the council has no role in such matters. Any discharge into a watercourse or pollution of a watercourse is the responsibility of the Environment Agency to investigate. Residents need to report a pollution incident directly to the Environment Agency by calling 0800 80 70 60. I can confirm that the issue of stopping foul storm water entering watercourses from new development will be addressed as far as possible by the inclusion of policy as part of the Local Plan review.”


Councillor Legrys was invited to ask a supplementary question and he asked if he could have a response to the part of his question which asked for the location of each discharge foul water point throughout North West Leicestershire.


Councillor Woodman advised that it is a duty on the water companies but he will speak to officers to see if there is any further information that they can ascertain from Severn Trent Water.


The second question was from Councillor T Eynon and was addressed to Councillor K Merrie which read

“Can the Portfolio Holder inform me why it has taken over a year to force the private landowner and third-party operator to apply for Planning Permission for equipment erected without authorisation?”

A written response was provided by Councillor K Merrie which read


“The Councils Planning Officers were made aware that ticket machines and cameras had been erected in the Belvoir Centre car park at the end of June this year. Officers determined that planning permission was required to retain the ticket machines and cameras and the owner of the site was asked to submit a retrospective planning application to regularise the development straight away. The applicants planning consultant required time to prepare all the necessary information to support the retrospective application which was submitted in the middle of October.  The application has been subject to consultation with the public and all comments received will be carefully considered before any decision is made.”


Councillor Eynon was invited to ask a supplementary question and she asked if the application would be considered by the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51.


Motions pdf icon PDF 311 KB

1)  To consider the following motion received from Councillor M B Wyatt:


“Over a number of years more and more local residents, businesses and the local community have indicated they support the formation of a Town council for the Coalville special area which is unparished. Local democracy and local accountability should be fully supported and implemented when such a request is made.




1. instruct officers to commence preparation/initial work on a Community Governance Review (CGR)

2. ask that a report, including the terms of reference of a proposed review, be submitted to Council in February to enable an informed decision to be made, and if agreed, to establish a CGR Cross Party Working Group to oversee the CGR;


3. request that, following the CGR, a report comes toCouncil to decide whether or not to establish a Town Council which will consist of the unparished area of the Broom Leys ward, Bardon ward, the unparished area of the Castle Rock ward, Coalville East ward, Coalville West ward, Greenhill ward, the unparished area of the Snibston North ward and Snibston South ward.

4. The electoral ward of Thringstone to become a separate parished area with its own Parish Council.”



2)  To consider the following motion received from Councillor S Sheahan:

“This Council -

Recognises the continuing impact of the cost of living crisis on the residents of our district.

Through data gathering, case studies and liaison with partner agencies, undertakes to highlight the difficulties many of the least well-off are facing due to increased in food and fuel prices, benefit cuts and planned tax rises. (Inflation is forecast to average 4% next year, fuel prices are expected to increase by a further 30% in April on the back of a substantial rise in October, National Insurance will go up by 1.5 percentage points in April and the 50% Universal Credit claimants who are unemployed or cannot work will not benefit from the reduction in the taper.)

Pledges to carry out a review of its own services eg fees and charges, support debt and benefits advice to mitigate the impact wherever possible.

Commits to lobby Government to do more to help those in the greatest need.”


3)  To consider the following motion received from Councillor J Legrys:


“Privately Operated Car Parks in Coalville Town Centre 


The Coalville Town Centre Car Parks, located off Bridge Road/High Street and the North Service yard off High Street, are now privately owned. The owner has employed a third-party operator, Parking Eye, to enforce parking charges. The operator’s payment options are collected via camera-operated technology. Residents and shoppers are being inappropriately fined and their complaints are not being given a satisfactory response. 


There are concerns that there is confusion about the public rights of vehicular access through this now private land, that signage and instructions for payment options are unclear and that the operator is not conforming to the British Parking Association Code of Practice.  This is leading to a downturn in footfall as many shoppers  ...  view the full agenda text for item 52.


Council considered and debated a number of motions.


The first motion was received from Councillor M Wyatt and read:


“Over a number of years more and more local residents, businesses and the local community have indicated they support the formation of a Town council for the Coalville special area which is unparished. Local democracy and local accountability should be fully supported and implemented when such a request is made.



1.    Instruct officers to commence preparation/initial work on a Community Governance Review (CGR)

2.    Ask that a report, including the terms of reference of a proposed review, be submitted to Council in February to enable an informed decision to be made, and if agreed, to establish a CGR Cross Party Working Group to oversee the CGR;

3.    Request that, following the CGR, a report comes to Council to decide whether or not to establish a Town Council which will consist of the unparished area of the Broom Leys ward, Bardon ward, the unparished area of the Castle Rock ward, Coalville East ward, Coalville West ward, Greenhill ward, the unparished area of the Snibston North ward and Snibston South ward.

4.    The electoral ward of Thringstone to become a separate parished area with its own Parish Council.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor J Geary.


A discussion ensued on the advantages and disadvantages of having another tier of Government. There were comments both in support of and against the motion. It was reported that a petition had been commenced with a view to ensuring that the Council undertook a Community Governance Review and this was welcomed; as it was considered by some that if the proposal was supported by the electorate then they were more minded to support it.


A recorded vote was requested, the outcome of which is set out below.


There being 14 For, 21 Against and 1 Abstention, the motion was LOST.


The second motion was received from Councillor S Sheahan and read:

 This Council

-       Recognises the continuing impact of the cost of living crisis on the residents of our district.


-       Through data gathering, case studies and liaison with partner agencies, undertakes to highlight the difficulties many of the least well-off are facing due to increases in food and fuel prices, benefit cuts and planned tax rises. (Inflation is forecast to average 4% next year, fuel prices are expected to increase by a further 30% in April on the back of a substantial rise in October, National Insurance will go up by 1.5 percentage points in April and the 50% of Universal Credit claimants who are unemployed or cannot work will not benefit from the reduction in the taper.)


-       Pledges to carry out a review of its own services eg fees and charges, support for debt and benefits advice, to mitigate the impact wherever possible.


-       Commits to lobby Government to do more to help those in the greatest need.”


The motion was seconded by Councillor M Hay.


A lively debate ensued with some  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.

Recorded Vote
TitleTypeRecorded Vote textResult
Motion to Create a Town Council submitted by Councillor Wyatt Motion Rejected
  • View Recorded Vote for this item
  • 53.


    To receive petitions in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme. 


    No petitions were received.



    Minutes pdf icon PDF 263 KB

    To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 7 September 2021.


    Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2021. It was moved by Councillor V Richichi, seconded by Councillor R Boam and subsequently


    RESOLVED:- That, subject to an amendment in relation to Minute 44  - disposal of land (recorded vote) to show that Cllr Geary voted against; the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 22 June 2021 be approved as a correct record.




    Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 229 KB

    Report of the Director of Service

    Additional documents:


    Councillor R Blunt presented the report to Members.


    It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor J Hoult and subsequently


    RESOLVED THAT:- The changes to the General Fund Capital Programme, as detailed in the report, be approved.




    Special Expenses Policy pdf icon PDF 238 KB

    Report of the Director of Service

    Additional documents:


    Councillor R Blunt presented the report to Members. It was noted that a supporting briefing note had been included in the additional papers to explain the rationale behind the Policy.


    Councillor D Everitt sought assurances that Thringstone would be included in the Policy. 


    It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor E Allman and subsequently


    RESOLVED THAT:- The Special Expenses Policy, as set out in Appendix B to the report, be approved.




    Gambling Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 250 KB

    Report of the Director of Service


    Additional documents:


    Councillor A Woodman presented the report to Members.


    It was moved by Councillor A Woodman, seconded by Councillor R Ashman and subsequently




    1.    The proposed Statement of Licensing Policy, as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved

    2.    The continuation of the delegation to the Head of Community Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for the updating of the Local Area profile, be approved.


    At the close of the meeting, the Chairman gave a festive message given that this is the last Council meeting before Christmas


    The meeting was closed at 8.52pm




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