
Issue - meetings

Marlborough Square

Meeting: 24/07/2018 - Cabinet (Item 25)

25 Marlborough Square Redevelopment pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place

Presented by the Leader


The Leader presented the report to Members.


He reminded Members that the Marlborough Square project formed an important step within the regeneration strategy for Coalville and it implemented work identified by the Prince's Foundation's Strategy for Coalville from 2009.  He advised that since Cabinet reserved £1.1 million in January, officers had been working with Leicestershire County Council to develop a detailed scheme that could be tendered. He stated that the County was still finalising tender documentation but the initial cost estimates had been reviewed upwards as part of this process although provisional sums had been included to cover elements that were still unknown.


He informed Members that the report set out the financial implications and budget for the project for Cabinet to approve and that display boards around the room showed the latest design and materials proposed. He added that consultation and engagement with the business community had continued with strong support for the scheme, and that further engagement would continue seeking to minimise the impact of the works on businesses. He stated that the County were working to start on site in October with completion before the end of the financial year.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and




1.            The results of the public consultation on the concept plan be noted.


2.            The  design (by LCC) to refurbish Marlborough Square to create a new public space, new bus stops and new taxi rank with a limited amount of short stay parking be approved.


3.            The application for £340,000 of LLEP funding to support the project be noted.


4.            Additional funding for the project of £486,000 from the earmarked reserve for site acquisitions in Coalville and £60,000 from the local business fund be approved.


5.            Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Leader to:

a.    Negotiate and agree final costings for the project;

b.    Approve final designs;

c.    Enter into a contract with LCC for the carrying out of highway works to implement the project

d.    Actively manage the contract during the works period including agreeing changes to the design and programme if required,

e.    Enter into contracts for associated  consultancy fees of up to £70,000

All within the cost envelope of £1,586,500 as described in paragraph 3.2 of the report.

6.            Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Place to negotiate and enter into a maintenance agreement with LCC to apportion maintenance responsibilities and costs estimated at £5,000 per year arising from the high quality, non-standard materials that form the project’s design

7.            Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Place to enter into contracts for associated materials and equipment totalling up to £60,000


Reason for decision: Cabinet approval is needed to progress the project further.