
Issue - meetings

Review of Supplementary Planning Documents

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 Review of Supplementary Planning Documents pdf icon PDF 250 KB

Report of the Strategic Director of Place

Presented by the Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder



The Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He informed Members that in addition to the Local Plan, the Council had a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) which were produced to support various policies in the previous Local Plan.  Following the adoption of the new Local Plan it was now necessary to consider whether it was appropriate to retain the SPDs, to review and replace with updated SPDs or to withdraw them.


He put forward an amendment to recommendations b and c to withdraw the deadline of 31 March as it was felt that it was unfair to put the pressure of a timescale onto the Parish Council’s.


The recommendations, with the above amendments, were Moved by Councillor T J Pendleton, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




a)      The following Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) be withdrawn with immediate effect:

-       Play Area Design Guidance

-       Ashby Area Cycling Network Plan

-       Northern Parish Cycling Strategy

-       Telecommunications Guidance

-       Designing Out Crime

-       Lighting Schemes Guidance

-       Affordable Housing

-       Retail


b)     Long Whatton and Diseworth Parish Council be advised that it is considered that the Diseworth Village Design Statement should be reviewed and that if it is not, then the Council will withdraw it as a SPD.


c)     Appleby Magna Parish Council be advised that it is considered that the Appleby Magna Village Design Statement should be reviewed and that if it is not, then the Council will withdraw it as a SPD.


d)     The development guidelines SPD be formally withdrawn with immediate effect.


e)     The revised Ashby Cycling Network be adopted as SPD subject to legal advice.


f)      Consideration be given to publishing revised SPD in respect of play area design and affordable housing.


g)     The review of the Local Plan consider the need for additional SPD.


Reason for decision:  To ensure that the Council, in determining planning applications, is using the most appropriate Supplementary Planning Documents.