
Issue - meetings

Acquisition of Site in Central Coalville for the Development of Affordable Housing

Meeting: 16/01/2018 - Cabinet (Item 97)

97 Acquisition of Site in Central Coalville for the Development of Affordable Housing

Report of the Director of Housing

Presented by the Housing Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Housing Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


He informed Members that in early 2017, the developers had the opportunity to purchase the site in Coalville, and approached the Council to discuss development opportunities through the receipt of Capital Funding Grant from the Homes and Communities Agency.  He added that the site was prominent to the town centre and would complement the Council’s ongoing work to regenerate Coalville.


Councillor T J Pendleton was pleased with the proposals, he believed it provided Coalville with much needed housing and allowed regeneration of the area.


Councillor N J Rushton commented that it was fantastic to be able to build more council homes and regenerate the area.  He believed it was one of the best schemes he had seen to date and would be positively contributing to the Housing Revenue Account in the next 23 years.


Councillor R Blunt highlighted the link of this scheme to the Coalville project and the importance of regenerating a shutdown building in the town.  He added that all sectors had come together to create this scheme and he was very proud of it.


It was moved by Councillor R D Bayliss, seconded by Councillor T J Pendleton and




a)      The acquisition of the site as detailed in the report be approved and the authority to negotiate and complete the acquisition be delegated to the Director of Housing in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.


b)      Paragraphs 2.6 and 2.7 of the Council’s Procedure Rules be waived to allow a direct award of the construction contract to the developers detailed in the report.


c)      The award of a contract with the developers detailed in the report to build 24 properties at the site in Central Coalville be approved and authority to negotiate and complete this contract be delegated to the Director of Housing in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.


Reason for decision:  To take advantage of a development opportunity arising from the fact that the developers have control over the land and have obtained grant funding from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) for the construction of affordable homes for rent which offers a windfall opportunity to the Council to build 24 properties at a significant discount.