
Issue - meetings

Hugglescote Conservation Area

Meeting: 19/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 38)

38 Designation of Hugglescote Conservation Area pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Report of the Interim Strategic Director of Place

Presented by the Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members.


The Leader invited Councillor R Johnson, Ward Member, to address the meeting.


“Thank you Chairman for allowing me to speak on the subject before you in the designation of a conservation area in my ward, I would ask before Cabinet votes on this to please consider are you satisfied that due process has been fulfilled in the consultation process.


You will see on page 56 4.1 that there were seven responses received after the closing date of 21 July. Eight in favour and two against, you will probably wonder why.


As I am Chair of my Parish Council of Hugglescote and Donington le Heath, I thought it prudent to discuss this proposal at out Parish meeting, there it was considered that the residents needed relevant information regarding the pros and cons of what a conservation area was.


We as a Council being very proactive produced an information sheet (as you have before you) and delivered to all concerned in the proposed designation area.


One has to ask WHY this Council did not do this at the beginning of the process.


Tying notices on lamp posts is not a consultation as nobody ever takes notice of them, as residents prefer involvement with good information, as not everyone has access to the internet.


It is my view that this Council has failed in its duty to consult proactively”.


Councillor T J Pendleton thanked Councillor R Johnson for his comments but stated that he had been aware of many similar consultations done in other areas of the district and only one had been challenged. He informed Members that the consultation had been held between 12 June and 21 July and that all twelve responses, of which seven were late, had all been considered.


He highlighted to Members that it had been suggested that the Church of St John the Baptist should be included, however the church was already a listed building and was separated from the proposed area by a modern housing development. It had also been suggested that the Community Centre at the crossroads be included. He informed Members that the Community Centre was separated from the proposed area by a terrace of Georgian houses which was typical for large parts of the wider area and it would be more appropriate to include the centre on a local list of heritage assets which would afford the building some status and protection.


Councillor R Blunt stated that he felt that Councillor R Johnson had added some value in his role as Chairman of the Parish Council in sharing the message and that he understood that home owners in the area had concerns over what they could do to the buildings in the area, but the value of properties tended to increase in a designated conservation area.


It was moved by Councillor T J Pendleton, seconded by Councillor  R Blunt and




The designation of the Hugglescote Conservation Area be approved.


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