Issue - meetings
Local Plan Progress Update: Modifications and Next Steps
Meeting: 20/06/2017 - Local Plan Advisory Committee (Item 7)
7 Local Plan Progress Update: Modifications and Next Steps PDF 150 KB
Report of the Director of Services.
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The Planning Policy Team Manager presented the report to members, outlining the progress on the Local Plan to date. He reported that the modifications which had been requested by the inspector during the examination process had now been published for a 6 week consultation period which would end on 24 July. He advised that the main modifications were those which in the view of the inspector were required in order to make the Local Plan sound or legally compliant; the additional modifications were of a much more minor nature, and many of these were factual or due to a change in position. He added that the inspector could only recommend main modifications to the Council, however the consultation on both the main and additional modifications was being undertaken concurrently.
The Planning Policy Team Manager referred members to section 4 of the report which detailed the most important main modifications. He highlighted in particular main medication 9 at paragraph 4.5 of the report relating to Policy S1 in respect of future housing and economic development needs. He referred to the discussions which had taken place around the need to review the Local Plan in light of the HEDNA, and consequently main modification 9 gave a commitment to commence a review of the Local Plan in January 2018 or within 3 months of adoption of the Local Plan, whichever was later. He added that this date had been chosen as it was felt there was a possibility that the Local Plan might not be adopted by January 2018, when work was due to be finalised on the strategic growth plan for Leicestershire. He highlighted that the key issue was that Leicester City Council had declared that they were unable to meet their housing need. He stated that the inspector was keen that the Council had a formal policy position to review the plan once this work was completed.
The Planning Policy Team Manager referred members to paragraph 4.18 of the report and advised that shortly after the Local Plan was submitted, the revised route for HS2 was published. The route passed through two sites to the west of Kegworth which had planning permission. The impact of the revised route was that officers did not believe these sites were deliverable and consequently main modification 27 identified a reserve site to help mitigate the shortfall.
Councillor J Bridges asked at what point it would be determined that these sites were not deliverable as they were affected now. He felt that the sites were not sustainable and not economically viable to deliver based on the fact that no funding would be available to develop these sites. He felt that delaying this decision could leave the Council open to challenge.
The Planning Policy Team Manager advised that when the government made its final decision on the route, a judgement would be made in respect of the viability of the sites as the route was subject to changeThe Planning Policy Team Manager stated that should HS2 run ... view the full minutes text for item 7