
Issue - meetings

Proposals to improve organisational productivity, efficiency and effectiveness

Meeting: 26/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Proposals to improve organisational productivity, efficiency and effectiveness pdf icon PDF 184 KB

Report of the Interim Director of Resources

Presented by the Corporate Portfolio Holder


The Interim Director of Resources presented the report to Members. He advised Members that the Corporate Leadership Team had considered the resources that would be required to assist the Council working towards its priorities and achieving its outcomes, and as such the Chief Executive in consultation with the Corporate Leadership Team had approved changes to the staffing structures of three teams, therefore approval was sought from Cabinet to allocate £99k to fund the changes. He highlighted to Members that to ensure the Council was able to conduct its business in an efficient and effective manor, good use of the accommodation and information technology needed to be ensured and therefore approval was also being sought to allocate one-off funds for the implementation of the accommodation and ICT strategies.


Councillor R Blunt stated that in order for the Council to carry out its work, the right structures needed to be in place.


It was moved by Councillor R Blunt, seconded by Councillor A V Smith and





1.    The changes the Head of Paid Service has approved to the staffing establishments of the Business Focus, Community Focus, and Sport and Physical Activity Teams be noted.


2.    £99k of the Council’s 2016/17 underspend be allocated to staffing revenue budgets to support changes in the staffing establishments of the Business Focus, Community Focus and Sport and Physical Activity Teams.


3.    A one-off sum of £300k from the 2016/17 underspend be allocated to the accommodation strategy.


4.     A one-off sum of £478k from the 2016/17 underspend be allocated to the ICT strategy.


Reason for decision: The proposals will improve organisational productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.