
Issue - meetings

Coalville Market Action Plan

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 43)

Coalville Market Strategy and Action Plan

Report of the Director of Services

Presented by the Business Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


Having declared a pecuniary interest Councillor N J Rushton left the meeting for the consideration of the item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


The Business Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members. He advised Members that an external company had been engaged to develop a strategy and action plan for the market. He outlined some of the proposed measures that officers were now looking to implement or had already been implemented.


Councillor R Blunt stated that the Council had agonised for years over the future of the market was pleased that the hall would be fit for purpose. He advised that he had been down to the market hall earlier in the day and had listened to the comments that were being made by residents and they were mostly positive. He added that markets were an important part of everyone’s life and that the Council was doing what it could.


Councillor T Gillard took the opportunity to thank the Head of Community Services and his team for all the hard work that they had put in.


Councillor T J Pendleton stated that he had recently visited the market and he was very pleased to see how much it had been improved.


It was moved by Councillor T Gillard, seconded by Councillor R Blunt and




1.     The contents of the report be noted;


2.     The market action plan be endorsed; and


3.     Responsibility be delegated to the Director of Services to annually review the action plan in consultation with the Business Portfolio Holder



Reason for decision: To provide delegated authority to the Director of Services to ensure delivery of the proposed actions.