
Issue - meetings

Application for Variation of a Premises Licence

Meeting: 21/04/2016 - Licensing Sub Committee (Item 4)

4 Application for Variation of a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 252 KB

PREMISES:    The Queens Head Hotel and Ciro’s, 79 Market Street, Ashby de la                     Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 1AH


APPLICANT:  Ashley John Edward Rayner


To determine an application for a variation of a premises licence in respect of the above.


Representations have been received from Leicestershire Constabulary,

the District Council’s Environmental Protection section and one interested

party. A Notice of Hearing inviting them to attend has been sent to each

of them. If they fail to attend, the hearing can be held in their absence or



The following documents are attached: -


a)     Report of the Licensing Enforcement Officer.


At the beginning of the Hearing, the authority shall explain to the parties

the procedure it is proposed to follow. The Hearing shall take the form of

a discussion led by the authority and cross-examination shall not be

permitted unless it is required to consider the representations.

Additional documents:


The Chairman introduced the parties and outlined the procedure to be followed.


The Hearing Regulations 2005 stated that the Authority must allow parties an equal period of time in which to present their evidence.  It was agreed that the maximum time limit for each presentation be 10 minutes.


All parties agreed that the two applications be considered simultaneously and that each party make a single representation on both applications.


The Licensing Enforcement Officer presented the report to members, highlighting background information and the representations received.


There were no questions for the Licensing Enforcement Officer.


Mr A Rayner, applicant, addressed the Sub Committee.  He outlined his experience in managing similar businesses of a significant size.  He stated that since purchasing the two businesses, he had operated them in a responsible and professional manner and had built reputation and relationships with the local authorities and fellow businesses in Ashby de la Zouch through hands on management.  He explained that he had met with the Town Council and Leicestershire Police to discuss their objections to the proposed changes to the operating licence, and had agreed amendments to the variation application that were acceptable to all parties.  As a result the application for extra operating hours had been reduced by over 80% to assist with weekday police staffing.  He stated that he had been in regular communication with the Council’s Environmental Protection Team to discuss how best to manage the public nuisance licensing objectives and added that he had created a management of noise and dispersal policy which was included in the application.  He added that since he had taken over the operation of the business, no concerns had been raised and no formal complaints had been made by any member of the public to the Council’s Environmental Protection Team.  He highlighted that the premises had operated events with later terminal hours on seven separate occasions since he had taken over the operation; all of these had similar terminal hours to the amendment which had been agreed with Leicestershire Police.  He highlighted the lack of firm data of any incidents relating to the premises during normal operating hours and the seven occasions on which the premises had operated until 4.00am, and the low number of calls for police assistance.  He added that when compared to the other nightclubs in the town, this highlighted how well the business was managed. In addition, he and Mr Maughan had undertaken SIA door supervisor training so that they were able to better understand the role of the door supervisor and to make better decisions about how to manage public nuisance and any incidents.  He highlighted his presence and that of the senior managers at the business during peak operating hours.  He advised the Sub Committee that, despite the lack of obligation to do so, all temporary event notices had been operated under the full conditions of the normal licence.  In respect of the application to extend late night refreshment, he highlighted that PC Webb was in full support  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4