
Issue - meetings

River Mease Special Area of Conservation Water Quality Management Plan - Developer Contribution Scheme 2

Meeting: 20/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 River Mease Special Area of Conservation Water Quality Management Plan - Developer Contribution Scheme 2 pdf icon PDF 348 KB

Report of the Director of Services

Presented by the Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder

Additional documents:


The Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder presented the report to Members. He advised Members that the old scheme had done the job that was needed and that a second scheme was required to allow the further planning consents to be approved. He stated that the developer contribution was levied on roof tops and any property built in the area would contribute to the Mease conservation. He thanked officers for the work in developing the scheme.


Councillor R Blunt asked if the authority could expect a surge in applications once the Scheme was adopted.


Councillor T J Pendleton stated that the completion of DCS1 had allowed a back log of applications in Ashby to build up but thatDCS2 would have the effect of allowing some of those applications to now be granted.  He also made the point that DCS2 only provided limited capacity and the long term solution after 2020 would be for Severn Trent Water to construct a pipeline to pump sewage out of the Mease catchment.


It was moved by Councillor T J Pendleton, seconded by Councillor T Gillard and




1.     The River Mease Water Quality Management Plan Developer Contributions Scheme 2 be adopted as a supplementary policy document (as  appended to the report) and implement the scheme with immediate effect; and


2.     Responsibility to review and amend the Developer Contribution Scheme as and when required, monitoring and review of phosphorous reductions as required by delegated to the Director of Services in consultation with the Regeneration and Planning Portfolio Holder and will be referred back to Cabinet only where significant material revisions to the scheme are required.


Reason for decision: To provide a mechanism through which major and other new residential and commercial development can continue to be allowed in the River Mease catchment without having an adverse impact on the integrity of the SAC. At present the District Council has in place the River Mease SAC Water Quality Management Plan Developer Contributions Scheme 1 (DCS1) however, this developer scheme has now reached its maximum capacity. The District Council is therefore unable to permit further development within the River Mease catchment by way of DCS1 and therefore seeks adoption of DCS2.